
''Salah'' may refer to the form of worship in general, or specifically to the daily obligatory prayers performed by Muslims, observed three or (most commonly) five times a day. The obligatory prayers play an integral part in the Islamic faith, being the second and the most important pillar (After Shahadah) from the Five Pillars of Islam for Sunnis, and one of the Ancillaries of the Faith for Shiites. In addition, supererogatory ''salah'' may be performed by Muslims at any time with a few exceptions, or at specific times in accordance with the Sunnah.
Wudu (Ritual Purity) is a must prerequisite for performing ''salah''. Muslims may perform ''salah'' alone or in congregation. Some of these prayers are special and are exclusively performed in , such as the Friday ''salah'' and Eid prayers, both are performed with a khutbah (sermon). Some concessions are made for Muslims who are physically unable to perform the ''salah'' in its original form, or are travelling.
Muslims before (even during time of prophet Muhammad) were praying toward Bayt al-Maqdis (بيت المقدس, ''bayt al-maqdis)'' prior to change of qiblah (قبلة), then they started to turn their faces toward al-Masjid al-Haram. Daniel was praying toward Jerusalem, and was praying three times a day. In the Bible, it is stated about Daniel מצלא, meaning “one who prays” or “prayer”. Root of the adjective is stated as either צְלָא or צָלִי or צלה. The root of מצלא has a cognate in Arabic, and also the adjective has a cognate in Arabic as مُصَلٍّ (muṣallin) and also a version of that adjective is found in the Quran as الْمُصَلِّينَ. Provided by Wikipedia
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Penerapan algorithma k-mean untuk clustering data obat pada puskesmas rumbai by Taslim Taslim, Fajrizal Fajrizal
Published 2017-01-01
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Penerapan algorithma k-mean untuk clustering data obat pada puskesmas rumbai by Taslim Taslim, Fajrizal Fajrizal
Published 2016-11-01
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Penerapan Data Mining Untuk Menggali Informasi Tersembunyi Dalam Big Data Nilai Mata Kuliah by Elvira Asril, Fana wiza, Taslim Taslim
Published 2017-01-01
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Penerapan Data Mining Untuk Menggali Informasi Tersembunyi Dalam Big Data Nilai Mata Kuliah by Elvira Asril, Fana Wiza, Taslim Taslim
Published 2016-11-01
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Prediksi Indeks Pembangunan Manusia Menggunakan Algoritma C4.5 di Kabupaten Kampar by Ridwan Miftahul Putra, Elvira Asril, Taslim Taslim
Published 2018-11-01
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Finite element analysis of Arch concrete slab system for upper floors by Taslim, Kassim
Published 2012
Undergraduates Project Papers -
Patofisiologi Kejang dan Perubahan Susunan Saraf Pusat pada Eklampsia by Emilzon Taslim
Published 2013-01-01
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Treatment of Infantile Spasms with Valproic Acid by Taslim S. Soetomenggolo
Published 2019-07-01
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“Leadership in Rehabilitation Teamwork: Challenges for Developing Countries” by Taslim Uddin
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Recurrence of Febrile Convulsions by Taslim S Soetomenggolo
Published 2018-10-01
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Improving Students’ Mastery on Simple Present Tense Through Climbing Grammar Mountain Game by Fadilla Taslim
Published 2016-07-01
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Meriwayatkan tragedi dalam tradisi epik:wira kecundang dalam Hikayat Pocut Muhamat by Noriah Taslim
Published 2009
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Hikayat Nakhoda Muda : biografi Melayu abad ke-18 by Noriah Taslim
Published 2015
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Appropriate instrumentation, control and automation in wastewater treatment system by Panot, Taslim
Published 2007Thesis -