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Urinothorax: an unusual cause of pleural effusion. nork Handa, A, Agarwal, R, Aggarwal, A
Argitaratua 2007Journal article -
Interim report for the International Muon Collider Collaboration nork Accettura, C, Adrian, S, Agarwal, R, Burrows, P
Argitaratua 2024Liburua -
Real-time nanomechanical property modulation as a framework for tunable NEMS nork Ali, UE, Modi, G, Agarwal, R, Bhaskaran, H
Argitaratua 2022Journal article -
Noninvasive ventilation in ARDS caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis: report of three cases and review of literature. nork Agarwal, R, Gupta, D, Handa, A, Aggarwal, A
Argitaratua 2005Journal article -
Towards a muon collider nork Burrows, P, Potamianos, K, Accettura, C, Adams, D, Agarwal, R
Argitaratua 2023Journal article -
Outcomes of noninvasive ventilation in acute hypoxemic respiratory failure in a respiratory intensive care unit in north India. nork Agarwal, R, Handa, A, Aggarwal, A, Gupta, D, Behera, D
Argitaratua 2009Journal article -
Evaluation of the coverage of three antibiotic regimens for neonatal sepsis in the 1 hospital setting across Asian countries nork Bielicki, JA, Sharland, M, Heath, PT, Walker, AS, Agarwal, R, Turner, P, Cromwell, DA
Argitaratua 2020Journal article -
Estimated neonatal survival of very preterm births across the care pathway: a UK cohort 2016–2020 nork Seaton, SE, Agarwal, R, Draper, ES, Fenton, AC, Kurinczuk, JJ, Manktelow, BN, Smith, LK
Argitaratua 2023Journal article -
A universal pick‐and‐place assembly for nanowires (Small 38/2022) nork Ali, UE, Cheng, Z, Yang, H, Khayrudinov, V, Modi, G, Agarwal, R, Lipsanen, H, Bhaskaran, H
Argitaratua 2022Journal article -
A universal pick-and-place assembly for nanowires nork Ali, UE, Yang, H, Khayrudinov, V, Modi, G, Cheng, Z, Agarwal, R, Lipsanen, H, Bhaskaran, H
Argitaratua 2022Journal article -
Preliminary results of a Cancer Research UK phase I trial combining the dinitrobenzamide prodrug CB1954 (tretazicar) and the NQO2 substrate EP-0152R (caricotamide) nork Sarker, D, Anderson, D, Spanswick, V, Davies, S, Agarwal, R, Aitken, G, Kerr, D, Hartley, J, Judson, I, Middleton, MR
Argitaratua 2008Journal article -
Effects of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors on cause-specific cardiovascular death in patients with CKD nork Fletcher, RA, Herrington, WG, Agarwal, R, Mayne, KJ, Arnott, C, Jardine, MJ, Mahaffey, KW, Perkovic, V, Staplin, N, Wheeler, DC, Chertow, GM, Heerspink, HJL, Neuen, BL
Argitaratua 2024Journal article -
Quinone oxidoreductase-2-mediated prodrug cancer therapy. nork Middleton, MR, Knox, R, Cattell, E, Oppermann, U, Midgley, R, Ali, R, Auton, T, Agarwal, R, Anderson, D, Sarker, D, Judson, I, Osawa, T, Spanswick, V, Davies, S, Hartley, J, Kerr, D
Argitaratua 2010Journal article -
Dose-finding quantitative 18F-FDG PET imaging study with the oral pan-AKT inhibitor GSK2141795 in patients with gynecological malignancies nork Gungor, H, Saleem, A, Babar, S, Dina, R, El-Bahrawy, M, Curry, E, Rama, N, Chen, M, Pickford, E, Agarwal, R, Blagden, S, Carme, S, Salinas, C, Madison, S, Krachey, E, Santiago-Walker, A, Smith, D, Morris, S, Stronach, E, Gabra, H
Argitaratua 2015Journal article