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Andrzej Chmielewski

Andrzej Chmielewski Andrzej Chmielewski (born in 1971 in Międzyrzecz) – Polish regionalist and local government official, author of books and publications on the Międzyrzecz land and the Lubuskie region.

Andrzej Chmielewski specializes in collecting memories of witnesses of the Second World War and pioneers of the Western Territories. Since 2007, he is the owner of the Literat Publishing House, he writes and publishes books on regional topics (also in German and English). Since 2014, he has been a councilor of the City Council in Międzyrzecz (7th and 8th terms of office), and since 2018, the vice-president of the Council. He was the originator of the erection of the Monument to the Pioneers of the Międzyrzecz Land, the estab-lishment of the Pioneer Day and the foundation of the Międzyrzecz Senior Card and the Veteran Card..

He is also a member of the Eagle Protection Committee, the Lubuski Natural-ists' Club (Klub Przyrodników) in Świebodzin and the Historical Society of the Międzyrzecz Land. He was a long-time member of the editorial staff of the magazine Kurier Międzyrzecki, currently he collaborates with the editorial of-fice of the Powiatowa monthly magazine and with the association of former German residents of Międzyrzecz Heimatkreis Meseritz e.V. and the Italian newspaper Report Difesa.

He has published, amongst many others, in the magazines Gazeta Lubuska, Głos Międzyrzecza i Skwierzyny, in the regional fishing magazine - Na Ryby, in magazines Praca i Nauka za Granicą, II Swiatowa, Revue Wojna. His articles have also appeared in the Bulletin of the Lubuskie Naturalists Club as well as in the following books as Küstrin-Kostrzyn in the past (2008), Ziemia Międzyrzecka w Przeszłości (since 2009), Forty - Jeńcy - Monety Pasjonaci o Twierdzy Kostrzyn (2011), Miasto i Twierdza Kostrzyn nad Odrą, wykopaliska, cmentarze, świątynie (2012), Międzyrzecki Rejon Umocniony 80 lat zabytku architektury obronnej (2013), annual Ziemia Lubuska (2015), Militarne Dziedzictwo Świebodzina i okolic (2016), Militarne Dziedzictwo Świebodzina i okolic. Ochrona i Badania (2018), ADHIBENDA Rocznik Archiwum Diecezjalnego w Zielonej Górze (2021). Nowa Marchia - prowincja zapomniana - wspólne korzenie (2022). Provided by Wikipedia