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Отмена результатов
Cholera toxin binds to LewisX and fucosylated glycoproteins play a functional role in human intestinal cell intoxication по Cervin, J, Wands, A, Casselbrant, A, Cvjetkovic, A, Estelius, J, Dedic, B, Sethi, A, Wallom, K, Riise, R, Backstrom, M, Wallenius, V, Platt, F, Lebens, M, Teneberg, S, Fandriks, L, Kohler, J, Yrlid, U
Опубликовано 2017Conference item -
GM1 ganglioside-independent intoxication by Cholera toxin по Cervin, J, Wands, A, Casselbrant, A, Wu, H, Krishnamurthy, S, Cvjetkovic, A, Estellius, J, Dedic, B, Sethi, A, Wallom, K, Rilse, R, Backstrom, M, Wallenius, V, Platt, F, Lebens, M, Teneberg, S, Fandriks, L, Kohler, J, Yrlid, U
Опубликовано 2018Journal article