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Daily testing for contacts of individuals with SARS-CoV-2 infection and attendance and SARS-CoV-2 transmission in English secondary schools and colleges: an open-label, cluster-ran... nork Young, BC, Eyre, DW, Peto, TEA, Kendrick, S, White, C, Smith, S, Beveridge, G, Nonnenmacher, T, Ichofu, F, Hillier, J, Oakley, S, Diamond, I, Rourke, E, Dawe, F, Day, I, Davies, L, Staite, P, Lacey, A, McCrae, J, Jones, F, Kelly, J, Bankiewicz, U, Tunkel, S, Ovens, R, Chapman, D, Bhalla, V, Marks, P, Hicks, N, Fowler, T, Hopkins, S, Yardley, L
Argitaratua 2021Journal article