Показ 1 - 20 результатів із 186 для пошуку 'Barker, K', час виконання запиту: 0.03сек.
Уточнити результати
going through the process for depositing through Symplectic за авторством Barker, K
Опубліковано 2015Journal article -
The UK Research Assessment Exercise: the evolution of a national research evaluation system за авторством Barker, K
Опубліковано 2007Conference item -
Beliefs about exercise in persons with severe Haemophilia-a qualitative study за авторством Taylor, S, Barker, K
Опубліковано 2016Conference item -
'I can't see any reason for stopping doing anything, but I might have to do it differently'--restoring hope to patients with persistent non-specific low back pain--a qualitative st... за авторством Toye, F, Barker, K
Опубліковано 2012Journal article -
The validity and reliability of the four square step test in different adult populations: a systematic review. за авторством Moore, M, Barker, K
Опубліковано 2017Journal article -
Reliability and validity of the Four Square Step Test in patients with hip osteoarthritis before and after total hip replacement за авторством Batting, M, Barker, K
Опубліковано 2018Journal article -
Effect on knee flexion of a modification to the surgical technique of pin placement during femoral lengthening. за авторством Simpson, H, Barker, K
Опубліковано 2002Journal article -
Recovery of function after closed femoral shortening. за авторством Barker, K, Simpson, A
Опубліковано 2004Journal article -
Persistent non-specific low back pain and patients' experience of general practice: a qualitative study. за авторством Toye, F, Barker, K
Опубліковано 2012Journal article -
Reducing the biomechanical stress of lifting by training. за авторством Barker, K, Atha, J
Опубліковано 1994Journal article -
Low back pain in rural Tibet. за авторством Barker, K, Fairbank, J
Опубліковано 2003Journal article -
The effect of supported standing in adults with upper motor neurone disorders: a systematic review. за авторством Newman, M, Barker, K
Опубліковано 2012Journal article -
'Could I be imagining this?' - the dialectic struggles of people with persistent unexplained back pain. за авторством Toye, F, Barker, K
Опубліковано 2010Journal article -
Occupational therapy rehabilitation for sarcoma patients following limb salvage surgery: a scoping review за авторством McKenzie, C, Barker, K
Опубліковано 2019Journal article -
Occupational therapy pre-operative intervention for total hip replacement patients; a qualitative enquiry за авторством McKenzie, C, Barker, K
Опубліковано 2025Journal article -
Novel di-branched monosaccharides and imino sugars за авторством Barker, K, K. V. Barker
Опубліковано 2009Дисертація -
Functional recovery in patients with nonunion treated with the Ilizarov technique. за авторством Barker, K, Lamb, S, Simpson, A
Опубліковано 2004Journal article -
Physical activity use in hospitalised older adults receiving general medical care: a scoping review of systematic reviews за авторством Cordrey, T, Dawes, H, Barker, K
Опубліковано 2022Conference item -
Recovery of muscle strength and power after limb-lengthening surgery. за авторством Barker, K, Lamb, S, Simpson, H
Опубліковано 2010Journal article -
Patients' views of a multimedia resource featuring experiences of rheumatoid arthritis: pilot evaluation of www.healthtalkonline.org. за авторством Newman, M, Ziebland, S, Barker, K
Опубліковано 2009Journal article