Отображение 1 - 19 результаты of 19 для поиска 'Becker P.', время запроса: 0.04сек.
Отмена результатов
Transcriptional regulators of arterial-specific endothelial and mural cell development по Becker, P, Philipp Becker
Опубликовано 2015Диссертация -
Correlations between age, phenotype, and individual contribution to population growth in common terns. по Ezard, T, Becker, P, Coulson, T
Опубликовано 2007Journal article -
The contributions of age and sex to variation in common tern population growth rate. по Ezard, T, Becker, P, Coulson, T
Опубликовано 2006Journal article -
Reproductive improvement and senescence in a long-lived bird. по Rebke, M, Coulson, T, Becker, P, Vaupel, J
Опубликовано 2010Journal article -
Quantum information storage for over 180 s using donor spins in a 28Si "semiconductor vacuum". по Steger, M, Saeedi, K, Thewalt, M, Morton, J, Riemann, H, Abrosimov, N, Becker, P, Pohl, H
Опубликовано 2012Journal article -
Muon-spin relaxation and heat capacity measurements on the magnetoelectric and multiferroic pyroxenes LiFeSi2O6 and NaFeSi2O6 по Baker, P, Lewtas, H, Blundell, S, Lancaster, T, Franke, I, Hayes, W, Pratt, F, Bohaty, L, Becker, P
Опубликовано 2010Journal article -
Factors influencing meiotic recombination revealed by whole-genome sequencing of single sperm по Hinch, A, Zhang, G, Becker, P, Moralli, D, Hinch, R, Davies, B, Bowden, R, Donnelly, P
Опубликовано 2019Journal article -
Entanglement in a solid-state spin ensemble по Simmons, S, Brown, R, Riemann, H, Abrosimov, N, Becker, P, Pohl, H, Thewalt, M, Itoh, K, Morton, J
Опубликовано 2011Journal article -
Description of a novel tick-derived dendritic cell modulator по Preston, S, Paesen, G, Majtan, J, Rysnik, O, Kouremenou, C, Becker, P, Nunn, M, Nuttall, P, Austyn, J
Опубликовано 2010Conference item -
Entanglement in a solid-state spin ensemble. по Simmons, S, Brown, R, Riemann, H, Abrosimov, N, Becker, P, Pohl, H, Thewalt, M, Itoh, K, Morton, J
Опубликовано 2011Journal article -
Structural and functional basis for lipid synergy on the activity of the antibacterial peptide ABC transporter McjD по Mehmood, S, Corradi, V, Choudhury, H, Hussain, R, Becker, P, Axford, D, Zirah, S, Rebuffat, S, Tieleman, D, Robinson, C, Beis, K
Опубликовано 2017Journal article -
Electron spin coherence exceeding seconds in high-purity silicon. по Tyryshkin, A, Tojo, S, Morton, J, Riemann, H, Abrosimov, N, Becker, P, Pohl, H, Schenkel, T, Thewalt, M, Itoh, K, Lyon, SA
Опубликовано 2012Journal article -
Decoherence mechanisms of Bi-209 donor electron spins in isotopically pure Si-28 по Wolfowicz, G, Simmons, S, Tyryshkin, A, George, R, Riemann, H, Abrosimov, N, Becker, P, Pohl, H, Lyon, SA, Thewalt, M, Morton, J
Опубликовано 2012Journal article -
An intronic Flk1 enhancer directs arterial-specific expression via RBPJ-mediated venous repression по de Val, S, Sacilotto, N, Nornes, S, Becker, P, Neal, A, Thomas, M, Preece, C, Ratnayaka, I, Davies, B, Liu, K, Bou-Gharios, G
Опубликовано 2016Journal article -
Violation of a Leggett-Garg inequality with ideal non-invasive measurements по Knee, G, Simmons, S, Gauger, E, Morton, J, Riemann, H, Abrosimov, N, Becker, P, Pohl, H, Itoh, K, Thewalt, M, Briggs, A, Benjamin, S
Опубликовано 2012Journal article -
Analysis of Dll4 regulation reveals a combinatorial role for Sox and Notch in arterial development. по Sacilotto, N, Monteiro, R, Fritzsche, M, Becker, P, Sanchez-Del-Campo, L, Liu, K, Pinheiro, P, Ratnayaka, I, Davies, B, Goding, C, Patient, R, Bou-Gharios, G, De Val, S
Опубликовано 2013Journal article -
Senescence rates are determined by ranking on the fast-slow life-history continuum. по Jones, O, Gaillard, J, Tuljapurkar, S, Alho, J, Armitage, K, Becker, P, Bize, P, Brommer, J, Charmantier, A, Charpentier, M, Clutton-Brock, T, Dobson, F, Festa-Bianchet, M, Gustafsson, L, Jensen, H, Jones, C, Lillandt, BG, McCleery, R, Merilä, J, Neuhaus, P, Nicoll, M, Norris, K, Oli, M, Pemberton, J, Pietiäinen, H
Опубликовано 2008Journal article -
The diversity of population responses to environmental change по Colchero, F, Jones, O, Conde, D, Hodgson, D, Zajitschek, P, Schmidt, B, Malo, A, Alberts, S, Becker, P, Bouwhuis, S, Bronikowski, A, De Vleeschouwer, K, Delahay, R, Dummermuth, S, Fernández-Duque, E, Frisenvænge, J, Hesselsøe, M, Larson, S, Lemaître, J, McDonald, J, Miller, D, O'Donnell, C, Packer, C, Raboy, B, Reading, C, Wapstra, E, Weimerskirch, H, While, G, Baudisch, A, Flatt, T, Coulson, T, Gaillard, J
Опубликовано 2018Journal article