Showing 1 - 16 results of 16 for search 'Bradshaw, A', query time: 0.04s
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Language laterality in impaired and typical language functioning by Bradshaw, A
Published 2019Thesis -
Testing the interhemispheric deficit theory of dyslexia using the visual half-field technique by Bradshaw, A, Bishop, DVM, Woodhead, ZVJ
Published 2019Journal article -
Methodological considerations in assessment of language lateralisation with fMRI: a systematic review by Bradshaw, A, Bishop, D, Woodhead, Z
Published 2017Journal article -
Inconsistent lateralisation of language functions: a risk factor for language impairment? by Bradshaw, A, Woodhead, Z, Thompson, P, Bishop, D
Published 2019Journal article -
Testing the unitary theory of language lateralization using functional transcranial Doppler sonography in adults by Woodhead, Z, Bradshaw, A, Wilson, A, Thompson, P, Bishop, D
Published 2019Journal article -
Measuring language lateralisation with different language tasks: a systematic review by Bradshaw, A, Thompson, P, Wilson, A, Bishop, D, Woodhead, Z
Published 2017Journal article -
Observations of relativistic plasma waves excited by a 1.064 mu m and 1.053 mu m laser beat by Dyson, A, Dangor, A, DymokeBradshaw, A, AshfarRad, T, Gibbon, P, Bell, A, Danson, C, Edwards, C, Amiranoff, F, Matthieusent, G, Karttunen, S, Salomaa, R
Published 1996Journal article -
General discussion by Masson, A, Howie, A, Thomas, J, Buffat, P, Joyner, R, Zamaraev, K, Gallezot, P, Rao, C, Benfield, R, Henglein, A, Matijević, E, Bradshaw, A, Edwards, P, Bradley, J, Wrona, P, Roberts, M, Miessner, H, Mile, B, Dye, J, Gauntlett, J, Kuroda, H, Creighton, J, Greenslade, D, Boudart, M, Couves, J
Published 1991Journal article -
LSST: From science drivers to reference design and anticipated data products by Ivezic, Z, Kahn, SM, Tyson, JA, Abel, B, Acosta, E, Allsman, R, Alonso, D, Alsayyad, Y, Anderson, SF, Andrew, J, Angel, JRP, Angeli, GZ, Ansari, R, Antilogus, P, Araujo, C, Armstrong, R, Arndt, KT, Astier, P, Aubourg, E, Auza, N, Axelrod, TS, Bard, DJ, Barr, JD, Barrau, A, Bartlett, JG, Bauer, AE, Bauman, BJ, Baumont, S, Bechtol, E, Bechtol, K, Becker, AC, Becla, J, Beldica, C, Bellavia, S, Bianco, FB, Biswas, R, Blanc, G, Blazek, J, Blandford, RD, Bloom, JS, Bogart, J, Bond, TW, Booth, MT, Borgland, AW, Borne, K, Bosch, JF, Boutigny, D, Brackett, CA, Bradshaw, A, Brandt, WN, Brown, ME, Bullock, JS, Burchat, P, Burke, DL, Cagnoli, G, Calabrese, D, Callahan, S, Callen, AL, Carlin, JL, Carlson, EL, Chandrasekharan, S, Charles-Emerson, G, Chesley, S, Cheu, EC, Chiang, H-F, Chiang, J, Chirino, C, Chow, D, Ciardi, DR, Claver, CF, Cohen-Tanugi, J, Cockrum, JJ, Coles, R, Connolly, AJ, Cook, KH, Cooray, A, Covey, KR, Cribbs, C, Cui, W, Cutri, R, Daly, PN, Daniel, SF, Daruich, F, Daubard, G, Daues, G, Dawson, W, Delgado, F, Dellapenna, A, De Peyster, R, De Val-Borro, M, Digel, SW, Doherty, P, Dubois, R, Dubois-Felsmann, GP, Durech, J, Economou, F, Eifler, T, Eracleous, M, Emmons, BL, Neto, AF, Ferguson, H, Figueroa, E, Fisher-Levine, M, Focke, W, Foss, MD, Frank, J, Freemon, MD, Gangler, E, Gawiser, E, Geary, JC, Gee, P, Geha, M, Gessner, CJB, Gibson, RR, Gilmore, DK, Glanzman, T, Glick, W, Goldina, T, Goldstein, DA, Goodenow, I, Graham, ML, Gressler, WJ, Gris, P, Guy, LP, Guyonnet, A, Haller, G, Harris, R, Hascall, PA, Haupt, J, Hernandez, F, Herrmann, S, Hileman, E, Hoblitt, J, Hodgson, JA, Hogan, C, Howard, JD, Huang, D, Huffer, ME, Ingraham, P, Innes, WR, Jacoby, SH, Jain, B, Jammes, F, Jee, MJ, Jenness, T, Jernigan, G, Jevremovic, D, Johns, K, Johnson, AS, Johnson, MWG, Jones, RL, Juramy-Gilles, C, Juric, M, Kalirai, JS, Kallivayalil, NJ, Kalmbach, B, Kantor, JP, Karst, P, Kasliwal, MM, Kelly, H, Kessler, R, Kinnison, V, Kirkby, D, Knox, L, Kotov, IV, Krabbendam, VL, Krughoff, KS, Kubanek, P, Kuczewski, J, Kulkarni, S, Ku, J, Kurita, NR, Lage, CS, Lambert, R, Lange, T, Langton, JB, Le Guillou, L, Levine, D, Liang, M, Lim, K-T, Lintott, CJ, Long, KE, Lopez, M, Lotz, PJ, Lupton, RH, Lust, NB, Macarthur, LA, Mahabal, A, Mandelbaum, R, Markiewicz, TW, Marsh, DS, Marshall, PJ, Marshall, S, May, M, McKercher, R, Michellemcqueen, Meyers, J, Migliore, M, Miller, M, Mills, DJ, Miraval, C, Moeyens, J, Moolekamp, FE, Monet, DG, Moniez, M, Monkewitz, S, Montgomery, C, Morrison, CB, Mueller, F, Muller, GP, Arancibia, FM, Neill, DR, Newbry, SP, Nief, J-Y, Nomerotski, A, Nordby, M, O'Connor, P, Oliver, J, Olivier, SS, Olsen, K, O'Mullane, W, Ortiz, S, Osier, S, Owen, RE, Pain, R, Palecek, PE, Parejko, JK, Parsons, JB, Pease, NM, Peterson, JM, Peterson, JR, Petravick, DL, Petrick, MEL, Petry, CE, Pierfederici, F, Pietrowicz, S, Pike, R, Pinto, PA, Plante, R, Plate, S, Plutchak, JP, Price, PA, Prouza, M, Radeka, V, Rajagopal, J, Rasmussen, AP, Regnault, N, Reil, KA, Reiss, DJ, Reuter, MA, Ridgway, ST, Riot, VJ, Ritz, S, Robinson, S, Roby, W, Roodman, A, Rosing, W, Roucelle, C, Rumore, MR, Russo, S, Saha, A, Sassolas, B, Schalk, TL, Schellart, P, Schindler, RH, Schmidt, S, Schneider, DP, Schneider, MD, Schoening, W, Schumacher, G, Schwamb, ME, Sebag, J, Selvy, B, Sembroski, GH, Seppala, LG, Serio, A, Serrano, E, Shaw, RA, Shipsey, I, Sick, J, Silvestri, N, Colin, T, Smith, JA, Smith, RC, Shahram, Soldahl, C, Storrie-Lombardi, L, Stover, E, Strauss, MA, Street, RA, Stubbs, CW, Sullivan, IS, Sweeney, D, Swinbank, JD, Szalay, A, Takacs, P, Tether, SA, Thaler, JJ, Thayer, JG, Thomas, S, Thornton, AJ, Thukral, V, Tice, J, Trilling, DE, Turri, M, Van Berg, R, Berk, D, Vetter, K, Virieux, F, Vucina, T, Wahl, W, Walkowicz, L, Walsh, B, Walter, CW, Wang, DL, Wang, S-Y, Warner, M, Wiecha, O, Willman, B, Winters, SE, Wittman, D, Wolff, SC, Wood-Vasey, WM, Wu, X, Xin, B, Yoachim, P, Zhan, H
Published 2019Journal article