Showing 1 - 1 results of 1 for search 'Buttgereit F', सवाल का समय: 0.02सेकंड
परिणाम को परिष्कृत करें
EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis with synthetic and biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs: 2016 update द्वारा Smolen, J, Landewé, R, Bijlsma, J, Burmester, G, Chatzidionysiou, K, Dougados, M, Nam, J, Ramiro, S, Voshaar, M, van Vollenhoven, R, Aletaha, D, Aringer, M, Boers, M, Buckley, C, Buttgereit, F, Bykerk, V, Cardiel, M, Combe, B, Cutolo, M, van Eijk-Hustings, Y, Emery, P, Finckh, A, Gabay, C, Gomez-Reino, J, Gossec, L, Gottenberg, J, Hazes, J, Huizinga, T, Jani, M, Karateev, D, Kouloumas, M, Kvien, T, Li, Z, Mariette, X, McInnes, I, Mysler, E, Nash, P, Pavelka, K, Poór, G, Richez, C, van Riel, P, Rubbert-Roth, A, Saag, K, da Silva, J, Stamm, T, Takeuchi, T, Westhovens, R, de Wit, M, van der Heijde, D
प्रकाशित 2017Journal article