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Molecular individuality and adaptation of the tick Rhipicephalus appendiculatus in changed feeding environments. nork Wang, H, Kaufman, W, Cui, W, Nuttall, P
Argitaratua 2001Journal article -
Feeding aggregation of the tick Rhipicephalus appendiculatus (Ixodidae): benefits and costs in the contest with host responses. nork Wang, H, Hails, R, Cui, W, Nuttall, P
Argitaratua 2001Journal article -
Joining and cycling performance of ultra-thick tungsten coatings on patterned steel substrates for fusion armour applications nork Cui, W, Flinders, K, Hancock, D, Grant, PS, Grant, PS
Argitaratua 2021Journal article -
Unilateral Biportal Endoscopic Debridement and Drainage for Lumbar Infectious Spondylodiscitis: A Retrospective Study and Preliminary Results nork Chu R, Cui W, Chen W, Zhuang Y, Yin G, Peng W, Zhang S
Argitaratua 2025-03-01
Artikulua -
PI3K/mTORC2 regulates TGF-β/Activin signalling by modulating Smad2/3 activity via linker phosphorylation nork Yu, J.S.L., Ramasamy, T.S., Murphy, N., Holt, M.K., Czapiewski, R., Wei, S.K., Cui, W.
Argitaratua 2015Artikulua -
The remarkable rapid X-ray, ultraviolet, optical and infrared variability in the black hole XTE J1118+480 nork Hynes, R, Haswell, C, Cui, W, Shrader, C, O'Brien, K, Chaty, S, Skillman, DR, Patterson, J, Horne, K
Argitaratua 2003Journal article -
A connection between star formation activity and cosmic rays in the starburst galaxy M 82 nork Acciari, V, Aliu, E, Arlen, T, Aune, T, Bautista, M, Beilicke, M, Benbow, W, Boltuch, D, Bradbury, S, Buckley, J, Bugaev, V, Byrum, K, Cannon, A, Celik, O, Cesarini, A, Chow, Y, Ciupik, L, Cogan, P, Colin, P, Cui, W, Dickherber, R, Duke, C, Fegan, S, Finley, J, Finnegan, G
Argitaratua 2009Journal article -
VERITAS: the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System nork Weekes, T, Badran, H, Biller, S, Bond, I, Bradbury, S, Buckley, J, Carter-Lewis, D, Catanese, M, Criswell, S, Cui, W, Dowkontt, P, Duke, C, Fegan, D, Finley, J, Fortson, L, Gaidos, J, Gillanders, G, Grindlay, J, Hall, T, Harris, K, Hillas, A, Kaaret, P, Kertzman, M, Kieda, D, Krennrich, F
Argitaratua 2002Journal article -
Science capabilities of the VERITAS array of 10 m imaging atmospheric Cherenkov gamma-ray detectors nork Kieda, D, Biller, S, Boyle, P, Bond, I, Bradbury, S, Buckley, J, Carter-Lewis, D, Criswell, S, Cui, W, Dowkontt, P, Duke, C, Falcone, A, Fegan, D, Fegan, S, Finley, J, Fortson, L, Gaidos, J, Gammell, S, Gibbs, K, Hall, J, Hillas, A, Holder, J, Horan, D, Kertzman, M, Knapp, J
Argitaratua 2002Journal article -
Perceived parenting and risk for major depression in Chinese women. nork Gao, J, Li, Y, Cai, Y, Chen, J, Shen, Y, Ni, S, Wei, Y, Qiu, Y, Zhu, X, Liu, Y, Lu, C, Chen, C, Niu, Q, Tang, C, Yang, Y, Wang, Q, Cui, W, Xia, J, Liu, T, Zhang, J, Zhao, B, Guo, Z, Pan, J, Chen, H, Luo, Y
Argitaratua 2012Journal article -
Detection of pulsed gamma rays above 100 GeV from the Crab pulsar. nork Aliu, E, Arlen, T, Aune, T, Beilicke, M, Benbow, W, Bouvier, A, Bradbury, S, Buckley, J, Bugaev, V, Byrum, K, Cannon, A, Cesarini, A, Christiansen, J, Ciupik, L, Collins-Hughes, E, Connolly, M, Cui, W, Dickherber, R, Duke, C, Errando, M, Falcone, A, Finley, J, Finnegan, G, Fortson, L, Furniss, A
Argitaratua 2011Journal article -
Cosmic CARNage I: on the calibration of galaxy formation models nork Knebe, A, Pearce, FR, Gonzalez-Perez, V, Thomas, PA, Benson, A, Asquith, R, Blaizot, J, Bower, R, Carretero, J, Castander, FJ, Cattaneo, A, Cora, SA, Croton, DJ, Cui, W, Cunnama, D, Devriendt, JE, Elahi, PJ, Font, A, Fontanot, F, Gargiulo, ID, Helly, J, Henriques, B, Lee, J, Mamon, GA, Onions, J, Padilla, ND, Power, C, Pujol, A, Ruiz, AN, Srisawat, C, Stevens, ARH, Tollet, E, Vega-Martínez, CA, Yi, SK
Argitaratua 2017Journal article -
nIFTy cosmology: comparison of galaxy formation models nork Knebe, A, Pearce, F, Thomas, P, Benson, A, Blaizot, J, Bower, R, Carretero, J, Castander, F, Cattaneo, A, Cora, SA, Croton, D, Cui, W, Cunnama, D, Lucia, G, Devriendt, J, Elahi, P, Font, A, Fontanot, F, Garcia-Bellido, J, Gargiulo, I, Gonzalez-Perez, V, Helly, J, Henriques, B, Hirschmann, M, Lee, J, Mamon, G, Monaco, P, Onions, J, Padilla, N, Power, C, Pujol, A, Skibba, R, Somerville, R, Srisawat, C, Vega-Martinez, C, Yi, S
Argitaratua 2015Journal article -
The Lancet breast cancer commission nork Coles, CE, Earl, H, Anderson, BO, Barrios, CH, Bienz, M, Bliss, JM, Cameron, DA, Cardoso, F, Cui, W, Francis, PA, Jagsi, R, Knaul, FM, McIntosh, SA, Phillips, K-A, Radbruch, L, Thompson, MK, André, F, Abraham, JE, Bhattacharya, IS, Franzoi, MA, Drewett, L, Fulton, A, Kazmi, F, Inbah Rajah, D, Mutebi, M, Ng, D, Ng, S, Olopade, OI, Rosa, WE, Rubasingham, J, Spence, D, Stobart, H, Vargas Enciso, V, Vaz-Luis, I, Villarreal-Garza, C
Argitaratua 2024Journal article -
nIFTy Cosmology: the clustering consistency of galaxy formation models nork Pujol, A, Skibba, R, Gaztañaga, E, Benson, A, Blaizot, J, Bower, R, Carretero, J, Castander, F, Cattaneo, A, Cora, S, Croton, D, Cui, W, Cunnama, D, Lucia, G, Devriendt, J, Elahi, P, Font, A, Fontanot, F, Garcia-Bellido, J, Gargiulo, I, Gonzalez-Perez, V, Helly, J, Henriques, B, Hirschmann, M, Knebe, A, Lee, J, Mamon, G, Monaco, P, Onions, J, Padilla, N, Pearce, F, Power, C, Somerville, R, Srisawat, C, Thomas, P, Tollet, E, Vega-Martínez, C, Yi, S
Argitaratua 2017Journal article -
LSST: From science drivers to reference design and anticipated data products nork Ivezic, Z, Kahn, SM, Tyson, JA, Abel, B, Acosta, E, Allsman, R, Alonso, D, Alsayyad, Y, Anderson, SF, Andrew, J, Angel, JRP, Angeli, GZ, Ansari, R, Antilogus, P, Araujo, C, Armstrong, R, Arndt, KT, Astier, P, Aubourg, E, Auza, N, Axelrod, TS, Bard, DJ, Barr, JD, Barrau, A, Bartlett, JG, Bauer, AE, Bauman, BJ, Baumont, S, Bechtol, E, Bechtol, K, Becker, AC, Becla, J, Beldica, C, Bellavia, S, Bianco, FB, Biswas, R, Blanc, G, Blazek, J, Blandford, RD, Bloom, JS, Bogart, J, Bond, TW, Booth, MT, Borgland, AW, Borne, K, Bosch, JF, Boutigny, D, Brackett, CA, Bradshaw, A, Brandt, WN, Brown, ME, Bullock, JS, Burchat, P, Burke, DL, Cagnoli, G, Calabrese, D, Callahan, S, Callen, AL, Carlin, JL, Carlson, EL, Chandrasekharan, S, Charles-Emerson, G, Chesley, S, Cheu, EC, Chiang, H-F, Chiang, J, Chirino, C, Chow, D, Ciardi, DR, Claver, CF, Cohen-Tanugi, J, Cockrum, JJ, Coles, R, Connolly, AJ, Cook, KH, Cooray, A, Covey, KR, Cribbs, C, Cui, W, Cutri, R, Daly, PN, Daniel, SF, Daruich, F, Daubard, G, Daues, G, Dawson, W, Delgado, F, Dellapenna, A, De Peyster, R, De Val-Borro, M, Digel, SW, Doherty, P, Dubois, R, Dubois-Felsmann, GP, Durech, J, Economou, F, Eifler, T, Eracleous, M, Emmons, BL, Neto, AF, Ferguson, H, Figueroa, E, Fisher-Levine, M, Focke, W, Foss, MD, Frank, J, Freemon, MD, Gangler, E, Gawiser, E, Geary, JC, Gee, P, Geha, M, Gessner, CJB, Gibson, RR, Gilmore, DK, Glanzman, T, Glick, W, Goldina, T, Goldstein, DA, Goodenow, I, Graham, ML, Gressler, WJ, Gris, P, Guy, LP, Guyonnet, A, Haller, G, Harris, R, Hascall, PA, Haupt, J, Hernandez, F, Herrmann, S, Hileman, E, Hoblitt, J, Hodgson, JA, Hogan, C, Howard, JD, Huang, D, Huffer, ME, Ingraham, P, Innes, WR, Jacoby, SH, Jain, B, Jammes, F, Jee, MJ, Jenness, T, Jernigan, G, Jevremovic, D, Johns, K, Johnson, AS, Johnson, MWG, Jones, RL, Juramy-Gilles, C, Juric, M, Kalirai, JS, Kallivayalil, NJ, Kalmbach, B, Kantor, JP, Karst, P, Kasliwal, MM, Kelly, H, Kessler, R, Kinnison, V, Kirkby, D, Knox, L, Kotov, IV, Krabbendam, VL, Krughoff, KS, Kubanek, P, Kuczewski, J, Kulkarni, S, Ku, J, Kurita, NR, Lage, CS, Lambert, R, Lange, T, Langton, JB, Le Guillou, L, Levine, D, Liang, M, Lim, K-T, Lintott, CJ, Long, KE, Lopez, M, Lotz, PJ, Lupton, RH, Lust, NB, Macarthur, LA, Mahabal, A, Mandelbaum, R, Markiewicz, TW, Marsh, DS, Marshall, PJ, Marshall, S, May, M, McKercher, R, Michellemcqueen, Meyers, J, Migliore, M, Miller, M, Mills, DJ, Miraval, C, Moeyens, J, Moolekamp, FE, Monet, DG, Moniez, M, Monkewitz, S, Montgomery, C, Morrison, CB, Mueller, F, Muller, GP, Arancibia, FM, Neill, DR, Newbry, SP, Nief, J-Y, Nomerotski, A, Nordby, M, O'Connor, P, Oliver, J, Olivier, SS, Olsen, K, O'Mullane, W, Ortiz, S, Osier, S, Owen, RE, Pain, R, Palecek, PE, Parejko, JK, Parsons, JB, Pease, NM, Peterson, JM, Peterson, JR, Petravick, DL, Petrick, MEL, Petry, CE, Pierfederici, F, Pietrowicz, S, Pike, R, Pinto, PA, Plante, R, Plate, S, Plutchak, JP, Price, PA, Prouza, M, Radeka, V, Rajagopal, J, Rasmussen, AP, Regnault, N, Reil, KA, Reiss, DJ, Reuter, MA, Ridgway, ST, Riot, VJ, Ritz, S, Robinson, S, Roby, W, Roodman, A, Rosing, W, Roucelle, C, Rumore, MR, Russo, S, Saha, A, Sassolas, B, Schalk, TL, Schellart, P, Schindler, RH, Schmidt, S, Schneider, DP, Schneider, MD, Schoening, W, Schumacher, G, Schwamb, ME, Sebag, J, Selvy, B, Sembroski, GH, Seppala, LG, Serio, A, Serrano, E, Shaw, RA, Shipsey, I, Sick, J, Silvestri, N, Colin, T, Smith, JA, Smith, RC, Shahram, Soldahl, C, Storrie-Lombardi, L, Stover, E, Strauss, MA, Street, RA, Stubbs, CW, Sullivan, IS, Sweeney, D, Swinbank, JD, Szalay, A, Takacs, P, Tether, SA, Thaler, JJ, Thayer, JG, Thomas, S, Thornton, AJ, Thukral, V, Tice, J, Trilling, DE, Turri, M, Van Berg, R, Berk, D, Vetter, K, Virieux, F, Vucina, T, Wahl, W, Walkowicz, L, Walsh, B, Walter, CW, Wang, DL, Wang, S-Y, Warner, M, Wiecha, O, Willman, B, Winters, SE, Wittman, D, Wolff, SC, Wood-Vasey, WM, Wu, X, Xin, B, Yoachim, P, Zhan, H
Argitaratua 2019Journal article