Pocasset Wampanoag Tribe of the Pokanoket Nation
The Pocasset Wampanoag Tribe of the Pokanoket Nation is one of several cultural heritage organizations of individuals who identify as descendants of the Wampanoag people in Rhode Island. They formed a nonprofit organization, the Pocasset Pokanoket Land Trust, Inc., in 2017.The Pocasset Wampanoag Tribe of the Pokanoket Nation is an unrecognized organization. Despite having the word "nation" in their name, this organization is neither a federally recognized tribe nor a state-recognized tribe.
They should not be confused with other unrecognized tribes, such as the Pocasset Wampanoag Tribe of Massachusetts and Rhode Island; the Pokanoket/Wampanoag Federation, based in Warwick, Rhode Island; the Pocasset Wampanoag Indian Tribe in Cheshire, Connecticut; or the Pokanoket Nation, based in Millbury, Massachusetts, and Bristol, Rhode Island.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, one of the only two federally recognized Wampanoag tribes, states they are the descendants of the historical Pokanoket people. Provided by Wikipedia