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David Adamski
David Adamski is an American
entomologist working as a research associate at the
Smithsonian Institution's
National Museum of Natural History and a support scientist in the Systematic Entomology Laboratory (SEL),
United States Department of Agriculture in
Washington, D.C. He obtained a PhD degree from the
Mississippi State University, Department of Entomology in 1987 after defending a dissertation, titled "The Morphology and evolution of North American Blastobasidae (Lepidoptera:Gelechioidea)". His research interests focus on alpha taxonomy, life histories and morphology of moths. Over the years, Adamski produced more than 80 scholarly publications, some in collaboration, shedding light on discernible groups of
Lepidoptera including
Tortricoidea, Pyralidoidea, and
Noctuoidea. He studied divergent taxa within the
Auchenorrhyncha and
Sternorrhyncha, and Phytophagous Acari, as well as
Gelechioidea and
Blastobasidae. Adamski is a member of the Entomological Society of Washington.
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