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David J. Wald

Wald is involved in the research, development, and operations of real-time information systems at the USGS National Earthquake Information Center. He has developed and manages products such as ShakeMap and the community-science system ''Did You Feel It?''. He is also responsible for developing other systems for post-earthquake response and pre-earthquake mitigation, such as ShakeCast and PAGER. He has also contributed to the USGS Ground Failure product. As well as management of these systems, Wald's research also focuses on characterization of rupture processes from complex earthquakes, analysis of ground motions and site effects, and modeling earthquake-induced events.
On top of his publications, Wald is also known for hosting events and giving lectures about geophysics topics, including a "Provost’s Lecture" at Stony Brook University and an EERI Younger Members Committee webinar. Provided by Wikipedia