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Duo Wang
| birth_place = Shenyang, Liaoning, China | occupation = | years_active = 2012–present | height = | education = Shenyang Conservatory of Music | module = }}Duo Wang (simplified Chinese: 汪铎 ; traditional Chinese:汪鐸 ; born May 21, 1991) is a Chinese actor. He is best known for his role as the dark, complicated, and enigmatic Gongzi in ''Bloody Romance'' (2018), his dual roles as He Shouye and his master in the movie ''The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity'' (2020), Gu Qingzhang (Shulin) in ''A League of Nobleman'' (2023), and for his performance playing 3 roles as the tragic Nan Xuyue, Guo Shi and Tian Ming the drama ''The Blossoming Love''. He won the Chinese reality show ''The Good Man'' and was nicknamed ''the Comic Prince'' by the audience due to his manhua like visuals. Provided by Wikipedia