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Chedoke-McMaster attitudes towards children with handicaps scale for traditional sporting games (CATCH-TSG): initial validation in 7 different languages in adult and young populati... Bằng Jaume March-Llanes, Jaume March-Llanes, Lluis Mas-Ruiz, Jorge Moya-Higueras, Jorge Moya-Higueras, Jorge Moya-Higueras, Josep Rius-Torrentó, Veronica Estrada-Plana, Veronica Estrada-Plana, Judit Bañeres, Judit Bañeres, Pere Lavega-Burgués, Pere Lavega-Burgués, The Opportunity Team, Spanish Opportunity Team, R Camacho, C Duran, M Esperanza, C Fernández-Amat, I Gracia, F Lagardera, C Mallén, V Muñoz-Arroyave, E Ormo, P Pla, Q Prat, R Rodriguez-Arregi, P Ruiz, U Sáez de Ocáriz, B Soria, Portuguese Opportunity Team, AR Jaqueira, P Coelho de Araújo, A Romao, MM Duarte, Tunisian Opportunity Team, Z Ben Chaâbanne, E Bouzid, Italian Opportunity Team, PG Avigo, F Berti, L Carcereri, F Berti, G Torresani, Croatian Opportunity Team, T Đerić Nikolić, M Pacenti, T Perković, Polish Opportunity Team, B Prabucki, K Waluch, Russian Opportunity Team, Z Kuznetsova
Được phát hành 2023-09-01
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