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Structural features of the mesonephros of semianadromous fish on the example of the European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) Bằng E. A. Flerova
Được phát hành 2021-03-01
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Impact of habitation conditions on metabolism in the muscles, liver, and gonads of different sex and age groups of bream Bằng A. A. Payuta, E. A. Flerova
Được phát hành 2021-04-01
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Biochemical and hematological composition of blood of cattle fed with Chlorella Bằng A. A. Bogdanova, E. A. Flerova
Được phát hành 2018-04-01
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The effect of additive containing an organic form of iodine on the physiological-biochemical parameters of the body of cows Bằng A. A. Bogdanova, A. A. Alekseev, E. A. Flerova, A. V. Konovalov
Được phát hành 2020-02-01
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Chemical composition of muscle tissue of fish reared in the aquaculture of South Vietnam Bằng A. A. Payuta, D. A. Guldina, E. A. Flerova, N. V. Lobus, E. G. Evdokimov
Được phát hành 2024-07-01
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Morphological and physiological traits of the mesonephros in a freshwater fish, grayling Thymallus thymallus Bằng E. A. Flerova, A. A. Morozov, A. A. Bogdanova, D. V. Chupov, G. M. Ustiuzhinskii, V. V. Yurchenko
Được phát hành 2019-02-01
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