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Exploring the Impacts of Sorghum (<i>Sorghum bicolor</i> L. <i>Moench</i>) Germination on the Flour’s Nutritional, Chemical, Bioactive, and Technological Properties 著者: Diogo Salvati, Beatriz Helena Paschoalinotto, Filipa Mandim, Isabel C. F. R. Ferreira, Nádia Cristiane Steinmacher, Carla Pereira, Maria Inês Dias
出版事項 2024-02-01
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A Step Forward Towards Exploring Nutritional and Biological Potential of Mushrooms: A Case Study of Calocybe gambosa (Fr.) Donk Wild Growing in Serbia 著者: Jovana Dragan Petrovic, Ângela Fernandes, Dejan Stojković, Marina Soković, Lillian Barros, Isabel C.F.R. Ferreira, Aditya Shekhar, Jasmina Glamočlija
出版事項 2022-01-01
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Cistus, Acacia, and Lemon verbena Valorization through Response Surface Methodology: Optimization Studies and Potential Application in the Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Industri... 著者: Filipa A. Fernandes, Márcio Carocho, Tiane C. Finimundy, Miguel A. Prieto, Isabel C. F. R. Ferreira, Lillian Barros, Sandrina A. Heleno
出版事項 2024-05-01
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How Does Domestic Cooking Affect the Biochemical Properties of Wild Edible Greens of the Asteraceae Family? 著者: Vasiliki Liava, Ângela Fernandes, Filipa Reis, Tiane Finimundy, Filipa Mandim, José Pinela, Dejan Stojković, Isabel C. F. R. Ferreira, Lillian Barros, Spyridon A. Petropoulos
出版事項 2024-08-01
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The Impact of Deficit Irrigation on the Agronomic Performance and Chemical Composition of <i>Scolymus hispanicus</i> L. 著者: Nikolaos Polyzos, Beatriz H. Paschoalinotto, Tânia C. S. P. Pires, Mikel Añibarro-Ortega, Ricardo Calhelha, Isabel C. F. R. Ferreira, Maria Inês Dias, Lillian Barros, Spyridon A. Petropoulos
出版事項 2024-05-01
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Nutritional, phytochemical, and bioactive prospects of black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) and saskatoon berry (Amelanchier ovalis) grown in the Republic of Kazakhstan 著者: Assem T. Sagandyk, Ângela Liberal, Tayse F.F. da Silveira, Maria José Alves, Isabel C.F.R. Ferreira, Gulmira N. Zhakupova, Kadyrzhan Makangali, Tamara Ch. Tultabayeva, Lillian Barros
出版事項 2024-12-01
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Chemical and Bioactive Evaluation of Essential Oils from Edible and Aromatic Mediterranean Lamiaceae Plants 著者: Rafael M. Spréa, Cristina Caleja, Tiane C. Finimundy, Ricardo C. Calhelha, Tânia C. S. P. Pires, Joana S. Amaral, Miguel A. Prieto, Isabel C. F. R. Ferreira, Eliana Pereira, Lillian Barros
出版事項 2024-06-01
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Chemical and Bioactive Properties of Red Rice with Potential Pharmaceutical Use 著者: Eugénia Baptista, Ângela Liberal, Rossana V. C. Cardoso, Ângela Fernandes, Maria Inês Dias, Tânia C.S.P. Pires, Ricardo C. Calhelha, Pablo A. García, Isabel C.F.R. Ferreira, João C.M. Barreira
出版事項 2024-05-01
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Harnessing the Power of Natural Mineral Waters in Bread Formulations: Effects on Chemical, Physical, and Physicochemical Properties 著者: Fernanda Ferreira, Rafaela Guimarães, André Lemos, Catarina Milho, Tayse F. F. da Silveira, Jonata M. Ueda, Márcio Carocho, Sandrina A. Heleno, Lillian Barros, Isabel C. F. R. Ferreira, Manuela Pintado, Maria José Alves
出版事項 2024-10-01
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Development, characterization and stability of a novel sport drink based on thermal water, apple juice and hibiscus 著者: Maroua Fatma Radhouane, Tayse F.F. da Silveira, Jessica Ribeiro, Paula Rodrigues, Rafaela Guimarães, Ricardo Calhelha, Filipa Mandim, Ichrak Charfi, Isabel C.F.R. Ferreira, Maria José Alves, Lillian Barros, Sandrina A. Heleno
出版事項 2024-12-01