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Уточнити результати
To differentiate the indication to treat the clinically isolated syndrome on the bases of different clinical onsets. The subgroup analyses from a Cochrane meta-analysis за авторством Clerico, M, Faggiano, F, Palace, J, Tintore, M, Durelli, L
Опубліковано 2009Journal article -
Recombinant interferon beta or glatiramer acetate for delaying conversion of the first demyelinating event to multiple sclerosis. за авторством Clerico, M, Faggiano, F, Palace, J, Rice, G, Tintorè, M, Durelli, L
Опубліковано 2008Journal article -
A Cochrane review on immunomodulatory treatments in clinically isolated syndromes at risk of converting to multiple sclerosis за авторством Clerico, M, Subirana, M, Palace, J, Rice, G, Faggiano, F, Durelli, L
Опубліковано 2006Conference item -
Conversion from clinically isolated syndromes to multiple sclerosis: how could we prevent it? A Cochrane review of published trials за авторством Clerico, M, Faggiano, F, Rice, G, Palace, J, Tintore, M, Durelli, L
Опубліковано 2007Conference item -
Prevention of conversion of clinically isolated syndromes to clinically defined multiple sclerosis. Evidence from a Cochrane meta-analysis за авторством Clerico, M, Faggiano, F, Subirana, M, Palace, J, Rice, G, Durelli, L
Опубліковано 2008Conference item -
Treatment for delaying conversion of the first demyelinating event to multiple sclerosis: a Cochrane review on use of recombinant interferon beta or glatiramer acetate за авторством Clerico, M, Faggiano, F, Palace, J, Rice, G, Tintore, M, Durelli, L
Опубліковано 2005Conference item -
Early treatment to prevent conversion of clinically isolated syndrome to clinically defined multiple sclerosis: a Cochrane metanalysis за авторством Clerico, M, Faggiano, F, Rice, G, Palace, J, Tintore, M, Durelli, L
Опубліковано 2008Conference item -
Immunomodulatory treatments for preventing conversion from clinically isolated syndromes to multiple sclerosis: a Cochrane review on their efficacy за авторством Clerico, M, Faggiano, F, Palace, J, Rice, G, Subirana, M, Durelli, L
Опубліковано 2007Conference item -
Recombinant interferon-beta efficacy in preventing conversion of clinically isolated syndromes to clinically defined multiple sclerosis: a Cochrane meta-analysis за авторством Clerico, M, Faggiano, F, Palace, J, Rice, G, Subirana, M, Durelli, L
Опубліковано 2006Conference item -
Recombinant interferon beta or glatiramer acetate for delaying conversion of the first demyelinating event to multiple sclerosis. за авторством Clerico, M, Faggiano, F, Palace, J, Rice, G, Tintorè, M, Durelli, L
Опубліковано 2008Journal article