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The l[subscript 1]-l[subscript 2] regularization framework unmasks the hypoxia signature hidden in the transcriptome of a set of heterogeneous neuroblastoma cell lines nork Varesio, Luigi, Verri, Alessandro, Mosci, Sofia, Barla, Annalisa, Fardin, Paolo, Rosasco, Lorenzo Andrea
Argitaratua 2010
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Identification of Multiple Hypoxia Signatures in Neuroblastoma Cell Lines by l(1)-l(2) Regularization and Data Reduction nork Rosasco, Lorenzo Andrea, Fardin, Paolo, Cornero, Andrea, Barla, Annalisa, Mosci, Sofia, Acquaviva, Massimo, Gambini, Claudio, Verri, Alessandro, Varesio, Luigi
Argitaratua 2011
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A biology-driven approach identifies the hypoxia gene signature as a predictor of the outcome of neuroblastoma patients nork Fardin, Paolo, Barla, Annalisa, Mosci, Sofia, Rosasco, Lorenzo Andrea, Verri, Alessandro, Versteeg, Rogier, Caron, Huib N., Molenaar, Jan J., Ora, Ingrid, Eva, Alessandra, Puppo, Maura, Varesio, Luigi
Argitaratua 2012
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