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Graziela Barroso

Barroso identified over one hundred species, and two bromeliads have been named in her honor: ''Tillandsia grazielae'' and ''Tillandsia barrosoae'', as well as ''Philodendron grazielae''. More than 25 more plant species identified in recent years have been named after her, such as ''Dorstenia grazielae'' (caiapiá-da-graziela) from the Moraceae family and ''Diatenopteryx grazielae'' (maria-preta). Also, three genera of plants have been named after her: ''Grazielanthus'' (from the family Monimiaceae), ''Grazielia'' (from Asteraceae family), and ''Grazielodendron'' (from Fabaceae family). Provided by Wikipedia