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List of Neighbours characters introduced in 2002

Marcus "Marc" Lambert, played by David Karakai, made his first appearance on 20 February 2002. Marc and his wealthy family buy and run Lassiter's Hotel. Marc becomes engaged to Stephanie Scully, but he also falls for her sister, Felicity.

Karakai told the BBC that he thinks his character is suited to both Stephanie (Carla Bonner) and Felicity (Holly Valance) and that Marc wants both of them. However, he picked Felicity as the girl for Marc and said "Probably because he's immature, he just wants a younger girl." Karakai said that he is nothing like his character and that he would never do what Marc did to anybody. He added that he has not had any bad reactions from the public over his storyline. Of the moment when Steph realises that Marc is having an affair with her sister Felicity, ''The Age'' said the reveal "was effected by a single look between Marc, at the altar but unable to complete his vows, and Felicity, a bridesmaid. Steph knew the import of that glance in a second and with it, her heart, and viewers' hearts, shattered. It was Steph's wordless realisation, her moment of clarity, that made us weep." In May 2002, Karakai, Valance and Blair McDonough went to Sydney to film a number of scenes. Felicity runs away to the city and Marc and Stuart Parker follow her. Stuart tries to persuade them both to return home. Karakai and Valance filmed scenes together on a water taxi.

Marc was brought up within a wealthy family and he did not have to work hard for the things in his life. When the Lambert's purchase Lassiter's Hotel, Marc takes over the job of assistant manager and he spends his first days scouting the local businesses to see if they can work in a partnership together. Marc meets Stephanie Scully when she parks her motobike in his space and he meets her again in The Coffee Shop when they both go to get a drink. They bump into each other again and Steph accuses Marc of following her, they get their phones mixed up and are forced to meet up and swap them back. Marc asks Steph to go for a drink, she turns him down, but she later notices him in the pub and goes over to talk to him. They agree to start afresh and they eventually go on a date together. Marc takes her away on a business trip to Hong Kong and they fall in love. Marc suddenly proposes and Steph accepts. Marc introduces her to his parents, John (Barry O'Connor) and Chloe (Stephanie Daniel), and they immediately dislike Steph and vow to stop the engagement. Marc starts getting close to Steph's sister, Felicity (Holly Valance), who works at Lassiter's. Marc knows who Felicity is, but she had not met Steph's new boyfriend. When she finally meets Marc, she is shocked as she had begun to develop feelings for him. Marc and Felicity end up kissing and Felicity tries to avoid Marc, so she does not ruin Steph's happiness.

Marc realises that his feelings for Felicity are stronger than his feelings for Steph. Weeks before the wedding, Felicity tells Marc that she is in love with him. Felicity decides to leave, but her mother, Lyn (Janet Andrewartha) convinces her to stay for the wedding. Steph announces that she is pregnant and Marc decides that he has no choice but to stand by her. He rejects Felicity, but shortly before the ceremony, he and Steph learn that the pregnancy is a false alarm. Marc hesitates during the wedding and when he glances in Felicity's direction, Steph realises that he loves her sister. Marc then tells her that he cannot marry her. Felicity goes to Sydney and Marc and Stuart follow her. Marc finds her and tries to impress her with a holiday and car, but Felicity realises that they are part of the honeymoon and tells Marc to go away. Marc tries to speak to Steph, but she throws her ring at him and tells him that she never wants to see him again. Marc manages to convince Felicity that they can salvages their relationship, but she starts to back away. Marc tries to talk her into staying with him, but she ends things between them. Marc is not happy and he locks her in his car to try and talk her around. He realises that things are truly over and he leaves for London.

The BBC said Marc's most notable moment was "Calling off the wedding when he was supposed to say I do." In 2007, the ''Herald Sun'' placed Steph's discovery of Marc and Felicity's affair at number four on their list of ''Neighbours'' Top Ten moments. They said "Steph and Marc had a quick engagement, but in the meantime Marc fell in love with Flick. Flick tried but couldn't hide the fact that she also loved her sister's betrothed. Steph and Marc made it all the way to the altar, but after she said "I do", he replied: "I can't, I'm in love with your sister." Priceless". Provided by Wikipedia