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Dynamic flows of copper and copper alloys across the prehistoric Eurasian steppe from 2000 to 300 BCE Bằng Hsu, Y-K
Được phát hành 2016Luận văn -
From the cradle to the craze: a study on China's indigenous automobile industry, 1953-2007 Bằng Hsu, Y, Yungtai Alexander Hsu
Được phát hành 2010Luận văn -
Investigating coherence about nature of science in the science curriculum documents: Taiwan as a case study Bằng Yeh, Y-F, Erduran, S, Hsu, Y-S
Được phát hành 2019Journal article -
Được phát hành 2013Conference item -
Bronze Age metal circulation in China Bằng Pollard, A, Bray, P, Hommel, P, Hsu, Y, Liu, R, Rawson, J
Được phát hành 2017Journal article -
利用牛津研究体系深化对中国青铜器的认识 : Applying the Oxford System to further understand bronzes in China Bằng Pollard, A, Bray, P, Hommel, P, Hsu, Y, Liu, R, Rawson, J
Được phát hành 2017Journal article -
Intravenous corticosteroid treatment in adult patients with sepsis defined by the Sepsis-3 criteria: a systematic review and meta-analysis Bằng Wu, Y-P, Lin, C-K, Hamaya, R, Huang, FYH, Chien, Y-S, Hsu, Y-T, Chen, S-T, Papatheodorou, S
Được phát hành 2021Internet publication -
Accessing the entire overdoped regime in pristine YBa[subscript 2]Cu[subscript 3]O[subscript 6 + x] by application of pressure Bằng Alireza, P. L., Guo, W., Porras, J., Loew, T., Hsu, Y.-T., Lonzarich, G. G., Le Tacon, M., Keimer, B., Sebastian, Suchitra E., Zhang, Grace H.
Được phát hành 2017
Bài viết -
META-ANALYSIS OF GENOME-WIDE ASSOCIATION STUDIES FOR QUANTITATIVE ULTRASOUND OF THE HEEL: THE GEFOS CONSORTIUM Bằng Moayyeri, A, Wareham, N, Sham, P, Hayward, C, Gyllensten, U, Campbell, H, Uitterlinden, A, Spector, T, Kung, A, Kiel, D, Rivadeneira, F, Hsu, Y, Karasik, D, Reeve, J, Kaptoge, S, Estrada, K, Brown, S, Xiao, S, Igl, W, Polasek, O, Wilson, S, Khaw, K
Được phát hành 2011Journal article -
The genetic basis of cross-phenotype correlation with bone fracture risk: the GEFOS consortium Bằng Oei, L, Nordstrom, P, Ntzani, E, Zheng, H, Estrada, K, Duncan, E, Medina-Gomez, C, Kaptoge, S, Hsu, Y, Yang, J, Nielson, C, Styrkarsdottir, U, Ridker, P, Garcia, M, Aragaki, A, Enneman, A, Lehtimaki, T, Esko, T, Trompet, S, Eriksson, J, Amin, N, Kung, A, Tsilidis, K, Thorleifsson, G, Rose, L
Được phát hành 2013Journal article -
Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 56 bone mineral density loci and reveals 14 loci associated with risk of fracture Bằng Estrada, K, Styrkarsdottir, U, Evangelou, E, Hsu, Y, Duncan, E, Ntzani, E, Oei, L, Albagha, O, Amin, N, Kemp, J, Koller, D, Li, G, Liu, C, Minster, R, Moayyeri, A, Vandenput, L, Willner, D, Xiao, S, Yerges-Armstrong, L, Zheng, H, Alonso, N, Eriksson, J, Kammerer, C, Kaptoge, S, Leo, P
Được phát hành 2012Journal article -
Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 56 bone mineral density loci and reveals 14 loci associated with risk of fracture. Bằng Estrada, K, Styrkarsdottir, U, Evangelou, E, Hsu, Y, Duncan, E, Ntzani, E, Oei, L, Albagha, O, Amin, N, Kemp, J, Koller, D, Li, G, Liu, C, Minster, R, Moayyeri, A, Vandenput, L, Willner, D, Xiao, S, Yerges-Armstrong, L, Zheng, H, Alonso, N, Eriksson, J, Kammerer, C, Kaptoge, S, Leo, P
Được phát hành 2012Journal article -
A genome-wide copy number association study of osteoporotic fractures points to the 6p25.1 locus. Bằng Oei, L, Hsu, Y, Styrkarsdottir, U, Eussen, B, de Klein, A, Peters, M, Halldorsson, B, Liu, C, Alonso, N, Kaptoge, S, Thorleifsson, G, Hallmans, G, Hocking, L, Husted, L, Jameson, K, Kruk, M, Lewis, JR, Patel, MS, Scollen, S, Svensson, O, Trompet, S, van Schoor, N, Zhu, K, Buckley, B, Cooper, C
Được phát hành 2014Journal article -
Association analyses of 47,500 individuals identifies six fracture loci and 82 BMD loci clustering in biological pathways that regulate osteoblast and osteoclast activity Bằng Estrada, K, Evangelou, E, Hsu, Y, Styrkarsdottir, U, Liu, C, Moayyeri, A, Kaptoge, S, Duncan, E, Amin, N, Kiel, D, Karasik, D, Albagha, O, Brown, M, Spector, T, Zillikens, M, Ohlsson, C, Thorleifsson, G, Reeve, J, Vandenput, L, Pettersson, U, O'Neill, T, Riancho, J, Ijunggren, O, Rousseau, F, Leslie, W
Được phát hành 2011Conference item -
Functional characterization of GWAS loci associated with fracture risk Bằng Oei, L, Reppe, S, Ntzani, E, Hibbs, M, Choi, K, Zheng, H, Estrada, K, van de Peppel, J, Nielson, C, Styrkarsdottir, U, Ridker, P, Hsu, Y, Garcia, M, Aragaki, A, Duncan, E, Enneman, A, Lehtimaki, T, Esko, T, Trompet, S, Kaptoge, S, Eriksson, J, Amin, N, Kung, A, Medina-Gomez, C, Tsilidis, K
Được phát hành 2013Journal article -
Genetic determinants of heel bone properties: genome-wide association meta-analysis and replication in the GEFOS/GENOMOS consortium. Bằng Moayyeri, A, Hsu, Y, Karasik, D, Estrada, K, Xiao, S, Nielson, C, Srikanth, P, Giroux, S, Wilson, S, Zheng, H, Smith, A, Pye, SR, Leo, P, Teumer, A, Hwang, J, Ohlsson, C, McGuigan, F, Minster, R, Hayward, C, Olmos, J, Lyytikäinen, L, Lewis, JR, Swart, K, Masi, L, Oldmeadow, C
Được phát hành 2014Journal article -
Genome-wide association study for radiographic vertebral fractures: a potential role for the 16q24 BMD locus. Bằng Oei, L, Estrada, K, Duncan, E, Christiansen, C, Liu, C, Langdahl, B, Obermayer-Pietsch, B, Riancho, J, Prince, R, van Schoor, N, McCloskey, E, Hsu, Y, Evangelou, E, Ntzani, E, Evans, D, Alonso, N, Husted, L, Valero, C, Hernandez, J, Lewis, JR, Kaptoge, S, Zhu, K, Cupples, L, Medina-Gómez, C, Vandenput, L
Được phát hành 2014Journal article