Isaac Elishakoff

He has over 620 journal papers, authored, co-authored, edited, or co-edited 34 books and has given over 200 national and international talks at conferences and seminars.
His selected lectures on (a) Elastic Stability, (b) Vibration Syntheses and Analysis and (c) Intermediate Strength of Materials are available on the internet.
In 2024, Elishakoff has been selected for the world-renowned "Theodore von Kármán Fellowship". The Kármán Fellowship is an award established in 2005 by the Aachen University of Technology (RWTH Aachen) in Federal Republic of Germany to honor the work of the physicist and engineer Prof. Theodore Von Karman (1881-1963) world renowned aeronautics expert and first director of the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology. Each year, world-class scholars in the field of science and technology are selected and supported through this fellowship. Elishakoff's host was the Department of Continuum Mechanics. Prof. Elishakoff gave two presentations : (1) "Resolution of the 20th century conundrum in Elastic Stability", and a public lecture (2) "Scientific and Personal Stories about Theodore Von Kármán, Stephen Timoshenko, Paul Ehrenfest, and Walter Vincenti."
In 2021, Elishakoff received the Blaise Pascal Medal in Engineering from the European Academy of Sciences, “to recognize an outstanding and demonstrated personal contribution to science and technology and the promotion of excellence in research and education.” He was simultaneously elected as a Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences. At the award ceremony he lectured on “Uncertainty Analysis in Engineering: From Blaise Pascal and Pierre Fermat to Modern Times.” Provided by Wikipedia