Ibrahima Fall

Neil Savishinsky (1994) contends that Sheikh Ibrahima Fall is “one of the first and most illustrious of Ahmadu Bamba’s disciples" out of 39 before him who gave allegiance to the sheikh. The Bimestriel Islamique (2000, December) claims that French West Africa called him the minister of economic affairs in the Mouridism. Ibrahima Fall catalysed the Mouride movement. Fall led all the labour work in the Mouride brotherhood. Fall reshaped the relation between Mouride Talibes (Mouride disciples) and their guide, Aamadu Bàmba Mbàkke. Fall instituted the culture of work among Mourides with his concept of ''Dieuf Dieul'' “you reap what you sow”.
Serigne Bassirou Mbacké, son of Sheikh Aamadu Bàmba Mbàkke, claims that Ibrahima Fall renovated the Mouride Brotherhood. According to Mbacké, Ibrahima Fall introduced giving money to Aamadu Bàmba. Mourides follow this practice of giving money to their sheikh. Serigne Moussa Kâ understands that “Fall initiated devoting ones life to his Sheikh in search of aura (Wolof ''tarbiya''). Sheikh Diop (1980) confirms the great importance of Ibrahima Fall to Mouridism, stating that “Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba and Sheikh Ibrahima Fall realise the symbiosis of Mouride values, pray and work” . Provided by Wikipedia