Dangos 1 - 10 canlyniadau o 10 ar gyfer chwilio 'Jean‐Luc Bosson', amser ymholiad: 0.05e
Mireinio'r Canlyniadau
Redistribution of critical drugs in shortage during the first wave of COVID-19 in France: from operating theaters to intensive care units gan Claire Chapuis, Rémy Collomp, Laura Albaladejo, Hugo Terrisse, Stéphane Honoré, Jean-Luc Bosson, Pierrick Bedouch, Pierre Albaladejo
Cyhoeddwyd 2022-12-01
Erthygl -
Information and Communication Technologies in Lung Transplantation: Perception of Patients and Medical Teams gan Sébastien Chanoine, Christelle Roch, Léa Liaigre, Matthieu Roustit, Céline Genty, Elisa Vitale, Jean-Luc Bosson, Christophe Pison, Benoît Allenet, Pierrick Bedouch
Cyhoeddwyd 2022-06-01
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Staphylococcus aureus screening and preoperative decolonisation with Mupirocin and Chlorhexidine to reduce the risk of surgical site infections in orthopaedic surgery: a pre-post s... gan Antoine Portais, Meghann Gallouche, Patricia Pavese, Yvan Caspar, Jean-Luc Bosson, Pascal Astagneau, Regis Pailhé, Jérôme Tonetti, Brice Rubens Duval, Caroline Landelle
Cyhoeddwyd 2024-07-01
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Electronic pharmaceutical record for best possible medication history at preoperative evaluation to prevent postoperative adverse events: a quasi-experimental study gan Pierre Albaladejo, Sébastien Chanoine, Marion Lepelley, Benoit Allenet, Pierrick Bedouch, Matthieu Roustit, Jean-Luc Bosson, Claire Chapuis, Jean-Didier Bardet, Dimitri Sourd
Cyhoeddwyd 2025-03-01
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Early prediction of in-hospital mortality utilizing multivariate predictive modelling of electronic medical records and socio-determinants of health of the first day of hospitaliza... gan Daniel Stoessel, Rui Fa, Svetlana Artemova, Ursula von Schenck, Hadiseh Nowparast Rostami, Pierre-Ephrem Madiot, Caroline Landelle, Fréderic Olive, Alison Foote, Alexandre Moreau-Gaudry, Jean-Luc Bosson
Cyhoeddwyd 2023-11-01
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Comparison of strategies for monitoring and treating patients at the early phase of severe traumatic brain injury: the multicentre randomised controlled OXY-TC trial study protocol gan Nicolas Bruder, Thomas Geeraerts, Jean Luc Bosson, Claire Dahyot-fizelier, Pierre Bouzat, Jean-François Payen, Laurent Gergelé, Gérard Audibert, Louis Puybasset, Marion Richard, Gilles Francony, Emmanuel L Barbier, Bernard Vigue, Kristina Skaare
Cyhoeddwyd 2020-08-01
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Cohort profile for development of machine learning models to predict healthcare-related adverse events (Demeter): clinical objectives, data requirements for modelling and overview... gan Caroline Landelle, Ursula von Schenck, Jean-Luc Bosson, Christophe Cancé, Svetlana Artemova, Rui Fa, Daniel Stoessel, Hadiseh Nowparast Rostami, Pierre-Ephrem Madiot, Jean-Marie Januel, Daniel Pagonis, Meghann Gallouche, Frederic Olive, Alexandre Moreau-Gaudry, Sigurd Prieur
Cyhoeddwyd 2023-08-01
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Six months versus two years of oral anticoagulation after a first episode of unprovoked deep-vein thrombosis. The PADIS-DVT randomized clinical trial gan Francis Couturaud, Gilles Pernod, Emilie Presles, Elisabeth Duhamel, Patrick Jego, Karine Provost, Brigitte Pan-Petesch, Claire Bal dit Sollier, Cécile Tromeur, Clément Hoffmann, Luc Bressollette, Philippe Lorillon, Philippe Girard, Emmanuelle Le Moigne, Aurelia Le Hir, Marie Guégan, Silvy Laporte, Patrick Mismetti, Karine Lacut, Jean-Luc Bosson, Laurent Bertoletti, Oliver Sanchez, Guy Meyer, Christophe Leroyer, Dominique Mottier, for the “PADIS-DVT” investigators
Cyhoeddwyd 2019-07-01
Erthygl -
Characteristics of pharmacist’s interventions triggered by prescribing errors related to computerised physician order entry in French hospitals: a cross-sectional observational stu... gan Céline Vermorel, A. Lescoat, Pierrick Bedouch, M.O. Duzanski, L. Bourguignon, N. Thiriat, Bruno Charpiat, Ornella Conort, Jean-Luc Bosson, R. Contreras, S. Roche, A. Fouquet, Manon Videau, S. Abkhtaoui-Couriat, B. Allard-Latour, C. Andrieu, X. Armoiry, E. Armoiry, D. Attivi, L. Audibert, A. Barbet, M. Bascoulergue, C. Basselin, F. Baud, P. Bedouch, M. Belhout, S. Benhaoua, J. Beny, S. Berthet, J. Berthou, D. Bichard, A.C. Blandin, E. Blondel, S. Bonn Loue, A. Bonvin, F. Bouchand, P. Bouniot, M. Bourdelin, C. Bouret, C. Bourne, M. Bouteille, J. Burdin, C. Bureau, M. Burgin, M. Buyse, E. Cabaret, D. Cabelguenne, D. Carli, I. Carpentier, E. Chambrey, S. Chantel, N. Charhon, B. Charpiat, M. Chaumont, K. Civiletti, B. Clerc, M. Cleve, R. Colomb, C. Combe, O. Conort, S. Crepin, M. Creusat-Aube, A. Cuoq, C. Decourcelle, T. Delanoy, C. Derharoutunian, A. Deronze, M. Desseignet, S. Diallo, L. Dietrich, A. Dory, J. Dos-Reis, N. Duarte, L. Escofier, F. Fabre, S. Fare, J. Fillon, A. Fonteneau, A. Gadot, H. Galtier, I. Garreau, C. Gerard, R. Gervais, O. Gloulou, I. GraguebChatti, A. Grass, I. Gremeau, P.Y. Grosse, C. Guenaire, F. Guerin, A. Guillermet, S. Hannou, A. Henry, G. Herbin, N. Herment, A. JanolyDumenil, C. Jarre, L. Jovenaux, M. Juste, A.S. Kaczmarek, W. KiniMatondo, H. Labrosse, C. Laillier, E. Lamarre, J. Lamoureux, M. Laurent, A. Le Bris, M. Le Duff, R. Lecointre, J. Lecompte, M. Lefebvre, A.L. Lepetit, H. Lepont-Gilardi, J.P. Levillain, G. Liguori, C. Lohier, C. Lupo, J. Machon, K. Maes, G. Magerand, K. Mangerel, S. Martelet, D. Matanza, V. Mermet, C. Mouchoux, Y. Nivoix, A. Orly, E. Orng, A. Oufella, I. Paillole, D. Pallot, A. Papon, L. Parnet, M. Paysant, E. Perrier-Cornet, S. Perrin, D. Peynaud, B.N. Pham, D. Piney, A. Pohyer, C. Porot, J. Pouzoulet, L. Poy, E. Prevost, E. Prunier, F. Ranchon, M. Rave, C. Remonnay, M. Remy, M. Rhalimi, C. Rioufol, A. Robelet, F.X. Rose, R. Roubille, A. Sambarino, D. Sankhare, R. Santucci, J. Scholler, R. Selmi, C. Stamm, C. Tanguy, D. Tessier, H. Thery, C. Turci, N. Vantard, N. Vauvarin, D. Viard, C. Vignand, C. Villa, P. Vonna, S. Wacker, N. Wereszczynski, L. Zerhouni
Cyhoeddwyd 2021-10-01