Erakusten 1 - 3 emaitzak -- 3 bilaketa honetara 'Jeffery R. Werner', Bilaketaren denbora: 0,03s
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Glyphosate-based herbicide contributes to nutrient variability in forest plants nork Lisa J. Wood, Nicole Botten, Arthur L. Fredeen, Jeffery R. Werner
Argitaratua 2024-11-01
Artikulua -
Red-Listed Ecosystem Status of Interior Wetbelt and Inland Temperate Rainforest of British Columbia, Canada nork Dominick A. DellaSala, James R. Strittholt, Rebecca Degagne, Brendan Mackey, Jeffery R. Werner, Michelle Connolly, Darwyn Coxson, Andrew Couturier, Heather Keith
Argitaratua 2021-07-01