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Lauro Pereira Travassos

Travassos was born in Angra dos Reis. He studied medicine at Rio de Janeiro and his first work was on ''Linguatula serrata'' in the intestine of a patient. His doctoral thesis was on species of Heterakinae. He then worked at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz which was then called the Manguinhos under José Gomes de Faria. He became chair of parasitology at the faculty of medicine in São Paulo in 1926. In 1929 he went to the tropical institute of Hamburg to work with the helminthologist Friedrich Fülleborn (1866–1933). He became a full professor in the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro and taught at the Escola de Veterinária from the 1930s and began to establish a collection of helminths. He published nearly 420 papers on helminthology and a small number also on insects.
Travassos married Odete with whom he had four children including Lauro who became an entomologist and Haroldo who became an ichthyologist. Provided by Wikipedia