Erakusten 1 - 4 emaitzak -- 4 bilaketa honetara 'Lena Huber', Bilaketaren denbora: 0,02s
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Effects of Intravitreal Aflibercept on the Systemic Insulin-like Growth Factor-I and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A in Patients with Diabetic Retinopathy and Age-Related Macu... nork Anna Lena Huber, Reinhard Angermann, Yvonne Nowosielski, Christof Seifarth, Martina T. Kralinger, Claus Zehetner
Argitaratua 2021-01-01
Artikulua -
Efficiency benchmarks in the surgical management of primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment: a monocentric register cohort study of operating room time metrics and influential fa... nork Claus Zehetner, Martina T Kralinger, STEFAN EGGER, Yvonne Nowosielski, Reinhard Angermann, Anna Lena Huber, Markus Hofer
Argitaratua 2021-12-01
Artikulua -
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Reveals Ethnic Disparities in Cataract Detection and Treatment nork Christoph Palme, Franziska Sofia Hafner, Lena Hafner, Theodor Peter Peifer, Anna Lena Huber, Bernhard Steger
Argitaratua 2024-04-01
Artikulua -
Risk factors for immune-related adverse effects during CPI therapy in patients with head and neck malignancies – a single center study nork Frederic Jungbauer, Annette Affolter, Christoph Brochhausen, Anne Lammert, Sonja Ludwig, Kirsten Merx, Nicole Rotter, Lena Huber
Argitaratua 2024-02-01