List of Friends and Joey characters

She first appears in ''Friends'' in "The One with Two Parts": Chandler and Joey are eating at Riff's and mistake Ursula for Phoebe. Joey becomes attracted to Ursula and they start dating. Ursula tells Phoebe that she is bored with Joey and claims that he is smart enough to figure this out on his own without her having to actually tell him, so Phoebe pretends to be her sister to let Joey down gently. In the same episode, Helen Hunt and Leila Kenzle cameo as their ''Mad About You'' characters Jamie Buchman and Fran Devanow, in a scene where they mistake Phoebe for Ursula in Central Perk.
Ursula next appears briefly in "The One with the Jam", where she is being stalked by Malcolm (David Arquette) who mistakes Phoebe for her. Phoebe naively begins a relationship with the man in question, but ends it with him when he cannot get over his obsession with Ursula. In "The One with the Jellyfish" Phoebe tells Ursula that she has met their birth mother (Teri Garr), but Ursula already knows about her. In "The One Where Chandler Can't Cry", Phoebe starts getting unwanted attention from men, and discovers that Ursula is starring in pornographic films using Phoebe's name, including a film called ''Buffay The Vampire Layer''. Phoebe gets revenge by claiming Ursula's paychecks and embarrassing her many male fans. Flashbacks in "The One Where They All Turn Thirty" reveal that Ursula sold Phoebe's birth certificate to a Swedish runaway, and that both sisters are thirty-one, not thirty. In "The One with the Halloween Party", Ursula introduces Phoebe to Eric (Sean Penn), her fiancé. Phoebe is horrified that Ursula has lied to Eric that she is a teacher, a member of the Peace Corps, a non-smoker, and attends a church group; so she tells Eric the truth, upon which he breaks up with Ursula.
The original 1999 series finale of ''Mad About You'', set 22 years into the future, reveals that Ursula becomes Governor of New York. Events in this particular episode, however, were retconned out of existence when ''Mad About You'' returned with new episodes in 2019. Provided by Wikipedia