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Bleeding risk analysis in stroke imaging before thromboLysis (BRASIL): pooled analysis of T2*-weighted magnetic resonance imaging data from 570 patients. nork Fiehler, J, Albers, G, Boulanger, J, Derex, L, Gass, A, Hjort, N, Kim, J, Liebeskind, D, Neumann-Haefelin, T, Pedraza, S, Rother, J, Rothwell, P, Rovira, A, Schellinger, P, Trenkler, J
Argitaratua 2007Journal article -
Consensus statement on current and emerging methods for the diagnosis and evaluation of cerebrovascular disease nork Donahue, M, Achten, E, Cogswell, P, De Leeuw, F, Derdeyn, C, Dijkhuizen, R, Fan, A, Ghaznawi, R, Heit, J, Ikram, M, Jezzard, P, Jordan, L, Jouvent, E, Knutsson, L, Leigh, R, Liebeskind, D, Lin, W, Okell, T, Qureshi, A, Stagg, C, van Osch, M, van Zijl, P, Watchmaker, J, Wintermark, M, Wu, O, Zaharchuk, G, Zhou, J, Hendrikse, J
Argitaratua 2017Journal article