List of Fullmetal Alchemist characters
The ''Fullmetal Alchemist'' manga and anime series feature an extensive cast of fictional characters created by Hiromu Arakawa. The story is set in a fictional universe within the 20th century in which alchemy is one of the most advanced scientific techniques. Although they essentially start off the same, the 2003 anime series features an entire original story while adapting the first seven volumes of the manga, which were the only ones available from the source material at the time. However, the second anime, ''Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood'', follows the manga exclusively.The story follows the adventure of the titular character, Edward Elric, also known as the "Fullmetal Alchemist", who is frequently accompanied by his brother Alphonse. While trying to revive their mother, the brothers lost parts of their bodies, with Alphonse's soul being contained in a suit of armor, and Edward replacing his right arm and left leg with two sets of automail, a type of advanced prosthetic limb. Advised by Roy Mustang, an alchemist from the State Military, Edward becomes a State Alchemist, and starts traveling with Alphonse through the country of Amestris in order to find a way to recover their bodies. In their search, they hear of the Philosopher's Stone, a powerful alchemy artifact that the brothers can use to recover their bodies.
When creating the series, Arakawa took her inspiration from several experiences in her childhood, including her parents' jobs and the manga she used to read. She also interviewed real war veterans for inspiration of her characters. Several types of merchandising have also been released based on the characters from the series. Reviewers from manga, anime, and other media have also commented on the characters. Most of them have praised their development in the story as well as Arakawa's artwork.
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Editorial: Exploration of the non-invasive brain-computer interface and neurorehabilitation by Shugeng Chen, Lin Yao, Lin Yao, Lin Yao, Lin Yao, Lei Cao, Marco Caimmi, Jie Jia, Jie Jia, Jie Jia
Published 2024-02-01
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Safety and efficiency of lens cortex removal assisted by fluid jet by Lin Yao, Haiqing Bai
Published 2023-10-01
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Evaluation of the Students’ Learning Status in the Foreign Language Classroom Based on Machine Vision by Lin Yao, Qiongfang Qin
Published 2022-01-01
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Comparison of power-free-chop and phaco-chop techniques for moderate nuclei by Lin Yao, Haiqing Bai
Published 2020-05-01
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A-stable spectral deferred correction method for nonlinear Allen-Cahn model by Lin Yao, Xindong Zhang
Published 2024-05-01
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Neural Responses During Emotion Transitions and Emotion Regulation by Yu Hao, Lin Yao, Lin Yao, Gary W. Evans, Gary W. Evans
Published 2021-08-01
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Enhanced Motor Imagery Decoding by Calibration Model-Assisted With Tactile ERD by Yucun Zhong, Lin Yao, Yueming Wang
Published 2023-01-01
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IFNet: An Interactive Frequency Convolutional Neural Network for Enhancing Motor Imagery Decoding From EEG by Jiaheng Wang, Lin Yao, Yueming Wang
Published 2023-01-01
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Xiao-Shen-Formula, a Traditional Chinese Medicine, Improves Glomerular Hyper-Filtration in Diabetic Nephropathy via Inhibiting Arginase Activation and Heparanase Expression by Xiaofei An, Xiaofei An, Maoxiang Zhang, Maoxiang Zhang, Sisi Zhou, Tian Lu, Yongjun Chen, Yongjun Chen, Lin Yao, Lin Yao
Published 2018-09-01
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Enhancing the teleportation of quantum Fisher information under correlated amplitude damping decoherence by Yan-Ling Li, Lin Yao, Yi-Bo Zeng
Published 2022-08-01
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A Hybrid Deep Learning Model for Recognizing Actions of Distracted Drivers by Shuang-Jian Jiao, Lin-Yao Liu, Qian Liu
Published 2021-11-01
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Multifocal brain abscesses caused by invasive Streptococcus intermedia: A case report by Lin Yao, Sansong Chen, Zuan Yu, Tao Yu
Published 2022-08-01
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