Отображение 1 - 20 результаты of 182 для поиска 'Maguire K.', время запроса: 0.03сек.
Отмена результатов
Resources for parents raising a disabled child in the UK по Morris, C, Blake, S, Stimson, A, Borek, A, Maguire, K
Опубликовано 2016Journal article -
The progenitor mass of the Type IIP supernova SN 2004et from late-time spectral modeling по Jerkstrand, A, Fransson, C, Maguire, K, Smartt, S, Ergon, M, Spyromilio, J
Опубликовано 2012Journal article -
Type II-P supernovae as standardized candles: Improvements using near-infrared data по Maguire, K, Kotak, R, Smartt, S, Pastorello, A, Hamuy, M, Bufano, F
Опубликовано 2010Journal article -
Constraining the physical properties of Type II-Plateau supernovae using nebular phase spectra по Maguire, K, Jerkstrand, A, Smartt, S, Fransson, C, Pastorello, A, Benetti, S, Valenti, S, Bufano, F, Leloudas, G
Опубликовано 2012Journal article -
Multiscale analysis of active region evolution по Hewett, R, Gallagher, P, McAteer, R, Young, C, Ireland, J, Conlon, P, Maguire, K
Опубликовано 2008Conference item -
Constraining the physical properties of Type II-Plateau supernovae using nebular phase spectra по Maguire, K, Jerkstrand, A, Smartt, S, Fransson, C, Pastorello, A, Benetti, S, Valenti, S, Bufano, F, Leloudas, G
Опубликовано 2012Journal article -
Multifractal properties of evolving active regions по Conlon, P, Gallagher, P, McAteer, R, Ireland, J, Young, C, Kestener, P, Hewett, R, Maguire, K
Опубликовано 2008Journal article -
Possible evidence of asymmetry in SN 2007rt, a type IIn supernova по Trundle, C, Pastorello, A, Benetti, S, Kotak, R, Valenti, S, Agnoletto, I, Bufano, F, Dolci, M, Elias-Rosa, N, Greiner, T, Hunter, D, Keenan, F, Lorenzi, V, Maguire, K, Taubenberger, S
Опубликовано 2009Journal article -
The type IIb SN 2008ax: Spectral and light curve evolution по Pastorello, A, Kasliwal, M, Crockett, R, Valenti, S, Arbour, R, Itagaki, K, Kaspi, S, Gal-Yam, A, Smartt, S, Griffith, R, Maguire, K, Ofek, E, Seymour, N, Stern, D, Wiethoff, W
Опубликовано 2008Journal article -
Don’t blink: constraining the circumstellar environment of the interacting type Ia supernova 2015cp по Harris, C, Nugent, P, Horesh, A, Bright, J, Fender, R, Graham, M, Maguire, K, Smith, M, Butler, N, Valenti, S, Filippenko, A, Fox, O, Goobar, A, Kelly, P, Shen, K
Опубликовано 2018Journal article -
Near-infrared observations of Type Ia supernovae: the best known standard candle for cosmology по Barone-Nugent, R, Lidman, C, Wyithe, J, Mould, J, Howell, D, Hook, I, Sullivan, M, Nugent, P, Arcavi, I, Cenko, S, Cooke, J, Gal-Yam, A, Hsiao, E, Kasliwal, M, Maguire, K, Ofek, E, Poznanski, D, Xu, D
Опубликовано 2012Journal article -
Near-infrared observations of type ia supernovae: The best known standard candle for cosmology по Barone-Nugent, R, Lidman, C, Wyithe, J, Mould, J, Howell, D, Hook, I, Sullivan, M, Nugent, P, Arcavi, I, Cenko, S, Cooke, J, Gal-Yam, A, Hsiao, E, Kasliwal, M, Maguire, K, Ofek, E, Poznanski, D, Xu, D
Опубликовано 2012Journal article -
Near-infrared observations of type Ia supernovae: The best known standard candle for cosmology по Barone-Nugent, R, Lidman, C, Wyithe, J, Mould, J, Howell, D, Hook, I, Sullivan, M, Nugent, P, Arcavi, I, Cenko, S, Cooke, J, Gal-Yam, A, Hsiao, E, Kasliwal, M, Maguire, K, Ofek, E, Poznanski, D, Xu, D
Опубликовано 2013Journal article -
Exploring the spectral diversity of low-redshift Type Ia supernovae using the Palomar Transient Factory по Maguire, K, Sullivan, M, Pan, Y, Gal-Yam, A, Hook, I, Howell, D, Nugent, P, Mazzali, P, Chotard, N, Clubb, K, Filippenko, A, Kasliwal, M, Kandrashoff, M, Poznanski, D, Saunders, C, Silverman, J, Walker, E, Xu, D
Опубликовано 2014Journal article -
The host galaxies of Type Ia supernovae discovered by the Palomar Transient Factory по Pan, Y, Sullivan, M, Maguire, K, Hook, I, Nugent, P, Howell, D, Arcavi, I, Botyanszki, J, Cenko, S, DeRose, J, Fakhouri, H, Gal-Yam, A, Hsiao, E, Kulkarni, SR, Laher, R, Lidman, C, Nordin, J, Walker, E, Xu, D
Опубликовано 2014Journal article -
Ultra-bright optical transients are linked with type Ic supernovae по Pastorello, A, Smartt, S, Botticella, M, Maguire, K, Fraser, M, Smith, K, Kotak, R, Magill, L, Valenti, S, Young, DR, Gezari, S, Bresolin, F, Kudritzki, R, Howell, D, Rest, A, Metcalfe, N, Mattila, S, Kankare, E, Huang, K, Urata, Y, Burgett, W, Chambers, K, Dombeck, T, Flewelling, H, Grav, T
Опубликовано 2010Journal article -
SN 2009md: Another faint supernova from a low-mass progenitor по Fraser, M, Ergon, M, Eldridge, J, Valenti, S, Pastorello, A, Sollerman, J, Smartt, S, Agnoletto, I, Arcavi, I, Benetti, S, Botticella, M, Bufano, F, Campillay, A, Crockett, R, Gal-Yam, A, Kankare, E, Leloudas, G, Maguire, K, Mattila, S, Maund, JR, Salgado, F, Stephens, A, Taubenberger, S, Turatto, M
Опубликовано 2011Journal article -
SN 2009md: another faint supernova from a low-mass progenitor по Fraser, M, Ergon, M, Eldridge, J, Valenti, S, Pastorello, A, Sollerman, J, Smartt, S, Agnoletto, I, Arcavi, I, Benetti, S, Botticella, M, Bufano, F, Campillay, A, Crockett, R, Gal-Yam, A, Kankare, E, Leloudas, G, Maguire, K, Mattila, S, Maund, JR, Salgado, F, Stephens, A, Taubenberger, S, Turatto, M
Опубликовано 2011Journal article -
The UV/optical spectra of the Type Ia supernova SN 2010jn: a bright supernova with outer layers rich in iron-group elements по Hachinger, S, Mazzali, P, Sullivan, M, Ellis, R, Maguire, K, Gal-Yam, A, Howell, D, Nugent, P, Baron, E, Cooke, J, Arcavi, I, Bersier, D, Dilday, B, James, P, Kasliwal, M, Kulkarni, SR, Ofek, E, Laher, R, Parrent, J, Surace, J, Yaron, O, Walker, E
Опубликовано 2013Journal article -
Early radio and X-ray observations of the youngest nearby type Ia supernova PTF11kly (SN 2011fe) по Horesh, A, Kulkarni, SR, Fox, D, Carpenter, J, Kasliwal, M, Ofek, E, Quimby, R, Gal-Yam, A, Cenko, S, Bruyn, A, Kamble, A, Wijers, R, Horst, A, Kouveliotou, C, Podsiadlowski, P, Sullivan, M, Maguire, K, Howell, D, Nugent, P, Gehrels, N, Law, N, Poznanski, D, Shara, M
Опубликовано 2011Journal article