Manuel Bonilla

Manuel Bonilla Chirinos was born in Juticalpa, Olancho, on 7 June 1849. His parents were Jorge Bonilla and María Dominga Chirinos. He was initially liberal and active in the Partido Liberal de Honduras (PLH) and led the Manuelistas to form the right-wing Partido Nacional de Honduras (PNH).
In December 1910, Bonilla led an insurrection against led President Davila. The United States negotiated an armistice between the factions where it was agreed to hold elections in March 1911.
As president, he granted generous concessions to United Fruit. During his presidency, the country's schools are said to have improved and the mining industry to have benefited. He commissioned the construction of the Teatro Nacional Manuel Bonilla in the capital Tegucigalpa. Provided by Wikipedia