Erakusten 1 - 3 emaitzak -- 3 bilaketa honetara 'Markus Hupp', Bilaketaren denbora: 0,02s
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Study protocol for an observational study of cerebrospinal fluid pressure in patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy undergoing surgical deCOMPression of the spinal CORD: th... nork Armin Curt, Carl Moritz Zipser, Nikolai Pfender, Jose Miguel Spirig, Michael Betz, Jose Aguirre, Markus Hupp, Mazda Farshad, Martin Schubert
Argitaratua 2020-09-01
Artikulua -
Cerebrospinal fluid pressure dynamics as a biomechanical marker for quantification of spinal cord compression: Conceptual framework and systematic review of clinical trials nork Najmeh Kheram, Madeleine A. Bessen, Claire F. Jones, Benjamin M. Davies, Mark Kotter, Mazda Farshad, Markus Hupp, Daniel Nanz, Patrick Freund, Martin Schubert, Vartan Kurtcuoglu, Armin Curt, Carl M. Zipser
Argitaratua 2025-01-01
Artikulua -
Potential thresholds of critically increased cardiac-related spinal cord motion in degenerative cervical myelopathy nork Nikolai Pfender, Catherine R. Jutzeler, Michèle Hubli, Paulina S. Scheuren, Paulina S. Scheuren, Dario Pfyffer, Dario Pfyffer, Carl M. Zipser, Jan Rosner, Jan Rosner, Susanne Friedl, Reto Sutter, José M. Spirig, Michael Betz, Martin Schubert, Maryam Seif, Maryam Seif, Patrick Freund, Patrick Freund, Mazda Farshad, Armin Curt, Armin Curt, Markus Hupp
Argitaratua 2024-06-01