প্রদর্শন 1 - 11 ফলাফল এর 11 অনুসন্ধানের জন্য 'Martin M Monti', জিজ্ঞাসা করার সময়: 0.03সেকেন্ড
ফলাফল পরিমার্জন করুন
Arousal Regulation by the External Globus Pallidus: A New Node for the Mesocircuit Hypothesis অনুযায়ী Zhong Sheng Zheng, Nicco Reggente, Martin M. Monti
প্রকাশিত 2023-01-01
প্রবন্ধ -
Focusing in on the Future of Focused Ultrasound as a Translational Tool অনুযায়ী Norman M. Spivak, Joseph L. Sanguinetti, Martin M. Monti
প্রকাশিত 2022-01-01
প্রবন্ধ -
Dissociating Language and Thought in Human Reasoning অনুযায়ী John P. Coetzee, Micah A. Johnson, Youngzie Lee, Allan D. Wu, Marco Iacoboni, Martin M. Monti
প্রকাশিত 2022-12-01
প্রবন্ধ -
Criticality supports cross-frequency cortical-thalamic information transfer during conscious states অনুযায়ী Daniel Toker, Eli Müller, Hiroyuki Miyamoto, Maurizio S Riga, Laia Lladó-Pelfort, Kazuhiro Yamakawa, Francesc Artigas, James M Shine, Andrew E Hudson, Nader Pouratian, Martin M Monti
প্রকাশিত 2024-01-01
প্রবন্ধ -
Ultrasonic Deep Brain Neuromodulation in Acute Disorders of Consciousness: A Proof-of-Concept অনুযায়ী Josh A. Cain, Norman M. Spivak, John P. Coetzee, Julia S. Crone, Micah A. Johnson, Evan S. Lutkenhoff, Courtney Real, Manuel Buitrago-Blanco, Paul M. Vespa, Caroline Schnakers, Martin M. Monti
প্রকাশিত 2022-03-01
প্রবন্ধ -
Alterations in large-scale resting-state network nodes following transcranial focused ultrasound of deep brain structures অনুযায়ী Stephanie M. Gorka, Jagan Jimmy, Katherine Koning, K. Luan Phan, Natalie Rotstein, Bianca Hoang-Dang, Sabrina Halavi, Norman Spivak, Martin M. Monti, Nicco Reggente, Susan Y. Bookheimer, Taylor P. Kuhn
প্রকাশিত 2024-12-01
প্রবন্ধ -
Preliminary Examination of the Effects of Focused Ultrasound on Living Skin and Temperature at the Skin–Transducer Interface অনুযায়ী Andrew A. E. D. Bishay, Andrew J. Swenson, Norman M. Spivak, Samantha Schafer, Brendan P. Bych, Spencer D. Gilles, Christopher Dorobczynski, Alexander S. Korb, Mark E. Schafer, Taylor P. Kuhn, Martin M. Monti, Alexander Bystritsky
প্রকাশিত 2024-11-01
প্রবন্ধ -
Evaluating Transcranial Focused Ultrasound Stimulation (tFUS) for Targeted Neuromodulation in Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Double-Blind Feasibility Study অনুযায়ী Norman M. Spivak, Andrew J. Swenson, Jonathan Haroon, Bridgette Holland, Morgan Dancy, Elisabeth Collins, Ashley Hayden, Jason Marum, Martin M. Monti, Samantha F. Schafer, Mark E. Schafer, Tina Chou, Darin D. Dougherty, Mark S. George, Alexander Bystritsky, Susan Bookheimer, Taylor Kuhn, Margaret Distler
প্রকাশিত 2025-01-01
প্রবন্ধ -
Transcranial Focused Ultrasound Targeting the Amygdala May Increase Psychophysiological and Subjective Negative Emotional Reactivity in Healthy Older Adults অনুযায়ী Bianca Hoang-Dang, Sabrina E. Halavi, Natalie M. Rotstein, Norman M. Spivak, Nolan H. Dang, Luka Cvijanovic, Sonja H. Hiller, Mauricio Vallejo-Martelo, Benjamin M. Rosenberg, Andrew Swenson, Sergio Becerra, Michael Sun, Malina E. Revett, David Kronemyer, Rustin Berlow, Michelle G. Craske, Nanthia Suthana, Martin M. Monti, Tomislav D. Zbozinek, Susan Y. Bookheimer, Taylor P. Kuhn
প্রকাশিত 2024-09-01
প্রবন্ধ -
ENIGMA’s simple seven: Recommendations to enhance the reproducibility of resting-state fMRI in traumatic brain injury অনুযায়ী Karen Caeyenberghs, Phoebe Imms, Andrei Irimia, Martin M. Monti, Carrie Esopenko, Nicola L. de Souza, Juan F. Dominguez D, Mary R. Newsome, Ekaterina Dobryakova, Andrew Cwiek, Hollie A.C. Mullin, Nicholas J. Kim, Andrew R. Mayer, Maheen M. Adamson, Kevin Bickart, Katherine M. Breedlove, Emily L. Dennis, Seth G. Disner, Courtney Haswell, Cooper B. Hodges, Kristen R. Hoskinson, Paula K. Johnson, Marsh Königs, Lucia M. Li, Spencer W. Liebel, Abigail Livny, Rajendra A. Morey, Alexandra M. Muir, Alexander Olsen, Adeel Razi, Matthew Su, David F. Tate, Carmen Velez, Elisabeth A. Wilde, Brandon A. Zielinski, Paul M. Thompson, Frank G. Hillary
প্রকাশিত 2024-01-01