Showing 1 - 20 results of 29 for search 'Mazeh, T', query time: 0.03s
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Stellar Rotation Periods of the Kepler Objects of Interest: A Dearth of Close-in Planets around Fast Rotators by McQuillan, A, Mazeh, T, Aigrain, S
Published 2013Journal article -
Measuring the rotation period distribution of field M-dwarfs with Kepler by McQuillan, A, Aigrain, S, Mazeh, T
Published 2013Journal article -
Rotation Periods of 34,030 Kepler Main-Sequence Stars: The Full Autocorrelation Sample by McQuillan, A, Mazeh, T, Aigrain, S
Published 2014Journal article -
Removing systematics from the CoRoT light curves: I. Magnitude-Dependent Zero Point by Mazeh, T, Guterman, P, Aigrain, S, Zucker, S, Grinberg, N
Published 2009Journal article -
Searching for the secondary eclipse of CoRoT-Exo-2b and its transit timing variations by Alonso, R, Aigrain, S, Pont, F, Mazeh, T, Team, CES
Published 2009Conference item -
The secondary eclipse of the transiting exoplanet CoRoT-2b by Alonso, R, Guillot, T, Mazeh, T, Aigrain, S, Alapini, A, Barge, P, Hatzes, A, Pont, F
Published 2009Journal article -
The secondary eclipse of the transiting exoplanet CoRoT-2b (vol 501, pg L23, 2009) by Alonso, R, Guillot, T, Mazeh, T, Aigrain, S, Alapini, A, Barge, P, Hatzes, A, Pont, F
Published 2010Journal article -
Spitzer Infrared Observations and Independent Validation of the Transiting Super-Earth CoRoT-7b by Fressin, F, Torres, G, Pont, F, Knutson, H, Charbonneau, D, Mazeh, T, Aigrain, S, Fridlund, M, Henze, C, Guillot, T, Rauer, H
Published 2011Journal article -
Detection of Neptune-size planetary candidates with CoRoT data. Comparison with the planet occurrence rate derived from Kepler by Bonomo, A, Chabaud, P, Deleuil, M, Moutou, C, Bouchy, F, Cabrera, J, Lanza, A, Mazeh, T, Aigrain, S, Alonso, R, Guterman, P, Santerne, A, Schneider, J
Published 2012Journal article -
Hubble Space Telescope Transmission Spectroscopy of the Exoplanet HD 189733b: High-altitude atmospheric haze in the optical and near-UV with STIS by Sing, D, Pont, F, Aigrain, S, Charbonneau, D, Desert, J, Gibson, N, Gilliland, R, Hayek, W, Henry, G, Knutson, H, Etangs, A, Mazeh, T, Shporer, A
Published 2011Journal article -
Hubble Space Telescope transmission spectroscopy of the exoplanet HD 189733b: high-altitude atmospheric haze in the optical and near-ultraviolet with STIS by Sing, D, Pont, F, Aigrain, S, Charbonneau, D, Desert, J, Gibson, N, Gilliland, R, Hayek, W, Henry, G, Knutson, H, des Etangs, A, Mazeh, T, Shporer, A
Published 2011Journal article -
The spin-orbit angle of the transiting hot jupiter CoRoT-1b by Pont, F, Endl, M, Cochran, W, Barnes, S, Sneden, C, MacQueen, P, Moutou, C, Aigrain, S, Alonso, R, Baglin, A, Bouchy, F, Deleuil, M, Fridlund, M, Hebrard, G, Hatzes, A, Mazeh, T, Shporer, A
Published 2009Journal article -
TRANSIT TIMING OBSERVATIONS FROM KEPLER . VIII. CATALOG OF TRANSIT TIMING MEASUREMENTS OF THE FIRST TWELVE QUARTERS by Mazeh, Tsevi, Nachmani, Gil, Holczer, Tomer, Fabrycky, Daniel C., Ford, Eric B., Sokol, Gil, Rowe, Jason F., Zucker, Shay, Agol, Eric, Carter, Joshua Adam, Lissauer, Jack J., Quintana, Elisa V., Ragozzine, Darin, Steffen, Jason H., Welsh, William, Sanchis Ojeda, Roberto
Published 2015
Article -
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission XXI. CoRoT-19b: A low density planet orbiting an old inactive F9V-star by Guenther, E, Diaz, R, Gazzano, J, Mazeh, T, Rouan, D, Gibson, N, Csizmadia, S, Aigrain, S, Alonso, R, Almenara, J, Auvergne, M, Baglin, A, Barge, P, Bonomo, A, Borde, P, Bouchy, F, Bruntt, H, Cabrera, J, Carone, L, Carpano, S, Cavarroc, C, Deeg, H, Deleuil, M, Dreizler, S, Dvorak, R
Published 2011Journal article -
CoRoT LRa02_E2_0121: Neptune-size planet candidate turns into a hierarchical triple system with a giant primary by Tal-Or, L, Santerne, A, Mazeh, T, Bouchy, F, Moutou, C, Alonso, R, Gandolfi, D, Aigrain, S, Auvergne, M, Barge, P, Bonomo, A, Borde, P, Deeg, H, Ferraz-Mello, S, Deleuil, M, Dvorak, R, Erikson, A, Fridlund, M, Gillon, M, Guenther, E, Guillot, T, Hatzes, A, Jorda, L, Lammer, H, Leger, A
Published 2011Journal article -
Planetary transit candidates in the CoRoT initial run: resolving their nature by Moutou, C, Pont, F, Bouchy, F, Deleuil, M, Almenara, J, Alonso, R, Barbieri, M, Bruntt, H, Deeg, H, Fridlund, M, Gandolfi, D, Gillon, M, Guenther, E, Hatzes, A, Hebrard, G, Loeillet, B, Mayor, M, Mazeh, T, Queloz, D, Rabus, M, Rouan, D, Shporer, A, Udry, S, Aigrain, S, Auvergne, M
Published 2009Journal article -
CoRoT LRa02_E2_0121: Neptune-size planet candidate turns into a hierarchical triple system with a giant primary by Tal-Or, L, Santerne, A, Mazeh, T, Bouchy, F, Moutou, C, Alonso, R, Gandolfi, D, Aigrain, S, Auvergne, M, Barge, P, Bonomo, A, Borde, P, Deeg, H, Ferraz-Mello, S, Deleuil, M, Dvorak, R, Erikson, A, Fridlund, M, Gillon, M, Guenther, E, Guillot, T, Hatzes, A, Jorda, L, Lammer, H, Leger, A
Published 2011Journal article