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Mira Nábělková

In 1975-1980, she studied Slovak and Russian philology at the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University of Bratislava, Slovakia. Since 1980, she worked in the Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. She defended her PhD dissertation ''Relational Adjectives in Slovak: Functional-Semantic Analysis of Desubstantive Derivates'' (in Slovak) in 1989 (published in Bratislava in 1993). In 1991, she co-founded, and until 2000, organised the yearly international Colloquium of Young Linguists (''Kolokvium mladých jazykovedcov''), a well-known and very popular event for Slovak, Czech and Polish university students of linguistics and young linguists. She edited a number of volumes of ''Varia'', proceedings from the Colloquium.
In 1999, Mira started her teaching career at the Institute of Slavic and East European Studies, Charles University of Prague, Czech Republic, where she has been teaching Slovak linguistics. In 1999-2004, she also taught at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. She was awarded Masaryk University Silver Medal for her contribution to the development of Slovak Studies in the Czech Republic.
Mira is working mainly in the fields of lexical semantics, word formation, lexicography, syntax and sociolinguistics. Currently, she deals with Czech-Slovak communication and language contact. Provided by Wikipedia