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परिणाम को परिष्कृत करें
How can diverse national food and land-use priorities be reconciled with global sustainability targets? Lessons from the FABLE initiative द्वारा Mosnier, A, Schmidt-Traub, G, Obersteiner, M, Jones, S, Javalera-Rincon, V, DeClerck, F, Thomson, M, Sperling, F, Harrison, P, Perez-Guzman, K, McCord, GC, Navarro-Garcia, J, Marcos-Martinez, R, Wu, GC, Poncet, J, Douzal, C, Steinhauser, J, Monjeau, A, Frank, F, Lehtonen, H, Ramo, J, Leach, N, Gonzalez-Abraham, CE, Ghosh, RK, Jha, C, Singh, V, Bai, Z, Jin, X, Ma, L, Strokov, A, Potashnikov, V, Orduna-Cabrera, F, Neubauer, R, Diaz, M, Penescu, L, Dominguez, EA, Chavarro, J, Pena, A, Basnet, S, Fetzer, I, Baker, J, Zerriffi, H, Gallardo, RR, Bryan, BA, Hadjikakou, M, Lotze-Campen, H, Stevanovic, M, Smith, A, Costa, W, Habiburrachman, AHF
प्रकाशित 2022Journal article