Showing 1 - 20 results of 36 for search 'Ofek, E', query time: 0.04s
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The type IIb SN 2008ax: Spectral and light curve evolution by Pastorello, A, Kasliwal, M, Crockett, R, Valenti, S, Arbour, R, Itagaki, K, Kaspi, S, Gal-Yam, A, Smartt, S, Griffith, R, Maguire, K, Ofek, E, Seymour, N, Stern, D, Wiethoff, W
Published 2008Journal article -
HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE STUDIES OF NEARBY TYPE Ia SUPERNOVAE: THE MEAN MAXIMUM LIGHT ULTRAVIOLET SPECTRUM AND ITS DISPERSION by Cooke, J, Ellis, R, Sullivan, M, Nugent, P, Howell, D, Gal-Yam, A, Lidman, C, Bloom, J, Cenko, S, Kasliwal, M, Kulkarni, SR, Law, N, Ofek, E, Quimby, R
Published 2011Journal article -
A Time Delay for the Largest Gravitationally Lensed Quasar: SDSS J1004+4112 by Fohlmeister, J, Kochanek, C, Falco, E, Wambsganss, J, Morgan, N, Morgan, C, Ofek, E, Maoz, D, Keeton, C, Barentine, J, Dalton, G, Dembicky, J, Ketzeback, W, McMillan, R, Peters, C
Published 2006Journal article -
A time delay for the cluster-lensed quasar SDSS J1004+4112 by Fohlmeister, J, Kochanek, C, Falco, E, Wambsganss, J, Morgan, N, Morgan, C, Ofek, E, Maoz, D, Keeton, C, Barentine, J, Dalton, G, Dembicky, J, Ketzeback, W, McMillan, R, Peters, C
Published 2007Journal article -
Near-infrared observations of Type Ia supernovae: the best known standard candle for cosmology by Barone-Nugent, R, Lidman, C, Wyithe, J, Mould, J, Howell, D, Hook, I, Sullivan, M, Nugent, P, Arcavi, I, Cenko, S, Cooke, J, Gal-Yam, A, Hsiao, E, Kasliwal, M, Maguire, K, Ofek, E, Poznanski, D, Xu, D
Published 2012Journal article -
Near-infrared observations of type ia supernovae: The best known standard candle for cosmology by Barone-Nugent, R, Lidman, C, Wyithe, J, Mould, J, Howell, D, Hook, I, Sullivan, M, Nugent, P, Arcavi, I, Cenko, S, Cooke, J, Gal-Yam, A, Hsiao, E, Kasliwal, M, Maguire, K, Ofek, E, Poznanski, D, Xu, D
Published 2012Journal article -
Near-infrared observations of type Ia supernovae: The best known standard candle for cosmology by Barone-Nugent, R, Lidman, C, Wyithe, J, Mould, J, Howell, D, Hook, I, Sullivan, M, Nugent, P, Arcavi, I, Cenko, S, Cooke, J, Gal-Yam, A, Hsiao, E, Kasliwal, M, Maguire, K, Ofek, E, Poznanski, D, Xu, D
Published 2013Journal article -
The subluminous and peculiar Type Ia supernova PTF09dav by Sullivan, M, Kasliwal, M, Nugent, P, Howell, D, Thomas, R, Ofek, E, Arcavi, I, Blake, S, Cooke, J, Gal-Yam, A, Hook, I, Mazzali, P, Podsiadlowski, P, Quimby, R, Bildsten, L, Bloom, J, Cenko, S, Kulkarni, SR, Law, N, Poznanski, D
Published 2011Journal article -
The Subluminous and Peculiar Type Ia Supernova PTF09dav by Sullivan, M, Kasliwal, M, Nugent, P, Howell, D, Thomas, R, Ofek, E, Arcavi, I, Blake, S, Cooke, J, Gal-Yam, A, Hook, I, Mazzali, P, Podsiadlowski, P, Quimby, R, Bildsten, L, Bloom, J, Cenko, S, Kulkarni, SR, Law, N, Poznanski, D
Published 2011Journal article -
SN 2010jp (PTF10aaxi): a jet in a Type II supernova by Smith, N, Cenko, S, Butler, N, Bloom, J, Kasliwal, M, Horesh, A, Kulkarni, SR, Law, N, Nugent, P, Ofek, E, Poznanski, D, Quimby, R, Sesar, B, Ben-Ami, S, Arcavi, I, Gal-Yam, A, Polishook, D, Xu, D, Yaron, O, Frail, D, Sullivan, M
Published 2012Journal article -
The UV/optical spectra of the Type Ia supernova SN 2010jn: a bright supernova with outer layers rich in iron-group elements by Hachinger, S, Mazzali, P, Sullivan, M, Ellis, R, Maguire, K, Gal-Yam, A, Howell, D, Nugent, P, Baron, E, Cooke, J, Arcavi, I, Bersier, D, Dilday, B, James, P, Kasliwal, M, Kulkarni, SR, Ofek, E, Laher, R, Parrent, J, Surace, J, Yaron, O, Walker, E
Published 2013Journal article -
The Extreme Hosts of Extreme Supernovae by Neill, J, Sullivan, M, Gal-Yam, A, Quimby, R, Ofek, E, Wyder, T, Howell, D, Nugent, P, Seibert, M, Martin, D, Overzier, R, Barlow, T, Foster, K, Friedman, P, Morrissey, P, Neff, S, Schiminovich, D, Bianchi, L, Donas, J, Heckman, T, Lee, Y, Madore, B, Milliard, B, Rich, R, Szalay, A
Published 2010Journal article -
Galaxy Zoo Supernovae by Smith, A, Lynn, S, Sullivan, M, Lintott, C, Nugent, P, Botyanszki, J, Kasliwal, M, Quimby, R, Bamford, S, Fortson, L, Schawinski, K, Hook, I, Blake, S, Podsiadlowski, P, Joensson, J, Gal-Yam, A, Arcavi, I, Howell, D, Bloom, J, Jacobsen, J, Kulkarni, SR, Law, N, Ofek, E, Walters, R
Published 2010Journal article -
The Palomar Transient Factory Photometric Calibration by Ofek, E, Laher, R, Law, N, Surace, J, Levitan, D, Sesar, B, Horesh, A, Poznanski, D, van Eyken, J, Kulkarni, SR, Nugent, P, Zolkower, J, Walters, R, Sullivan, M, Agueeros, M, Bildsten, L, Bloom, J, Cenko, S, Gal-Yam, A, Grillmair, C, Helou, G, Kasliwal, M, Quimby, R
Published 2012Journal article -
Early radio and X-ray observations of the youngest nearby type Ia supernova PTF11kly (SN 2011fe) by Horesh, A, Kulkarni, SR, Fox, D, Carpenter, J, Kasliwal, M, Ofek, E, Quimby, R, Gal-Yam, A, Cenko, S, Bruyn, A, Kamble, A, Wijers, R, Horst, A, Kouveliotou, C, Podsiadlowski, P, Sullivan, M, Maguire, K, Howell, D, Nugent, P, Gehrels, N, Law, N, Poznanski, D, Shara, M
Published 2011Journal article -
Galaxy Zoo Supernovae by Smith, A, Lynn, S, Sullivan, M, Lintott, C, Nugent, P, Botyanszki, J, Kasliwal, M, Quimby, R, Bamford, S, Fortson, L, Schawinski, K, Hook, I, Blake, S, Podsiadlowski, P, Jönsson, J, Gal-Yam, A, Arcavi, I, Howell, D, Bloom, J, Jacobsen, J, Kulkarni, SR, Law, N, Ofek, E, Walters, R
Published 2011Journal article -
CORE-COLLAPSE SUPERNOVAE FROM THE PALOMAR TRANSIENT FACTORY: INDICATIONS FOR A DIFFERENT POPULATION IN DWARF GALAXIES by Arcavi, I, Gal-Yam, A, Kasliwal, M, Quimby, R, Ofek, E, Kulkarni, SR, Nugent, P, Cenko, S, Bloom, J, Sullivan, M, Howell, D, Poznanski, D, Filippenko, A, Law, N, Hook, I, Joensson, J, Blake, S, Cooke, J, Dekany, R, Rahmer, G, Hale, D, Smith, R, Zolkower, J, Velur, V, Walters, R
Published 2010Journal article -
Exclusion of a luminous red giant as a companion star to the progenitor of supernova SN 2011fe. by Li, W, Bloom, J, Podsiadlowski, P, Miller, A, Cenko, S, Jha, S, Sullivan, M, Howell, D, Nugent, P, Butler, N, Ofek, E, Kasliwal, M, Richards, J, Stockton, A, Shih, H, Bildsten, L, Shara, M, Bibby, J, Filippenko, A, Ganeshalingam, M, Silverman, J, Kulkarni, SR, Law, N, Poznanski, D, Quimby, R
Published 2011Journal article -
The Palomar Transient Factory: System Overview, Performance, and First Results by Law, N, Kulkarni, SR, Dekany, R, Ofek, E, Quimby, R, Nugent, P, Surace, J, Grillmair, C, Bloom, J, Kasliwal, M, Bildsten, L, Brown, T, Cenko, S, Ciardi, D, Croner, E, Djorgovski, S, van Eyken, J, Filippenko, A, Fox, D, Gal-Yam, A, Hale, D, Hamam, N, Helou, G, Henning, J, Howell, D
Published 2009Journal article -
Supernova 2007bi as a pair-instability explosion. by Gal-Yam, A, Mazzali, P, Ofek, E, Nugent, P, Kulkarni, SR, Kasliwal, M, Quimby, R, Filippenko, A, Cenko, S, Chornock, R, Waldman, R, Kasen, D, Sullivan, M, Beshore, E, Drake, A, Thomas, R, Bloom, J, Poznanski, D, Miller, A, Foley, R, Silverman, J, Arcavi, I, Ellis, R, Deng, J
Published 2009Journal article