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Comparison of weight estimation methods and evaluation of usability of Broselow Luten tape in Turkish children Bằng Ayşe Gültekingil-Keser, Özlem Tekşam
Được phát hành 2017-04-01
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Scalp edema: don't forget sunburn in children Bằng Binod Shah, Süleyman Tolga Yavuz, Ozlem Tekşam
Được phát hành 2012-10-01
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A Rare Hydrocephalus Complication: Cortical Blindness Bằng Emre Ünal, Rahşan Göçmen, Ayşe İlksen Işıkay, Özlem Tekşam
Được phát hành 2015-10-01
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Fetal malnutrition and its impacts on neonatal outcome in preterm infants Bằng Ayşe Korkmaz, Ozlem Tekşam, Murat Yurdakök, Sule Yiğit, Gülsevin Tekinalp
Được phát hành 2011-06-01
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Thirty-three-year experience on childhood poisoning Bằng Ramazan Ozdemir, Benan Bayrakci, Ozlem Tekşam, Bilgehan Yalçin, Gülsev Kale
Được phát hành 2012-06-01
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A Fanconi-Bickel syndrome patient with a novel mutation and accompanying situs inversus totalis Bằng Tuğba Taştemel-Öztürk, Berrak Bilginer-Gürbüz, Özlem Tekşam, Serap Sivri
Được phát hành 2017-12-01
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Gianotti-Crosti syndrome as the only manifestation of primary Epstein-Barr virus infection: a case report Bằng Pinar Gümüş, Ozlem Tekşam, Hande Akinci, Gonca Boztepe, Ateş Kara
Được phát hành 2008-06-01
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Physicians' attitudes and perception of pediatric trauma cost Bằng Tutku Soyer, Ozlem Tekşam, Feyza Türkmen, Aytül Cakmak, Murat Cakmak
Được phát hành 2009-12-01
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The triad of nesidioblastosis, congenital neuroblastoma and glomerulocystic disease of the newborn: a case report Bằng Almila Bulun, S Umit Sarici, Ozge Uysal Soyer, Ozlem Tekşam, Murat Yurdakök, Melda Cağlar
Được phát hành 2005-07-01
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Acute peripheral facial paralysis following varicella infection: An uncommon complication Bằng Damla Hanalioğlu, Yasemin Özsürekci, Ayşe Büyükçam, Ayşe Gültekingil-Keser, Özlem Tekşam, Mehmet Ceyhan
Được phát hành 2018-02-01
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Hydrops fetalis associated with chorioangioma and thrombosis of umbilical vein Bằng Ercan Sivasli, Ozlem Tekşam, Mithat Haliloğlu, Safak Güçer, Diclehan Orhan, Aytemiz Gürgey, Gülsevin Tekinalp
Được phát hành 2009-10-01
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A giant ovarian mucinous cystadenoma in a postmenarchal adolescent girl Bằng Baran Alkan, Saniye Ekinci, H. Nursun Özcan, Meral Üner, Eylül Altunova, Özlem Tekşam, Bilgehan Yalçın
Được phát hành 2025-02-01
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Clinically important intracranial abnormalities in children presenting with first focal seizure Bằng Tuba Kasap, Özlem Tekşam, Güzide Turanlı, Bahadır Konuşkan, Kader Karlı Oğuz, Göknur Haliloğlu, Dilek Yalnızoğlu
Được phát hành 2023-02-01
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Flow-volume curve in the diagnosis and follow-up of intrathoracic airway obstruction Bằng Özlem Cavkaytar, Ayşe Büyükçam, Özlem Tekşam, Deniz Doğru-Ersöz, Zuhal Akçören, Umut Akyol, Ayfer Tuncer, Cansın Saçkesen
Được phát hành 2017-10-01
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Hyaline fibromatosis syndrome: a rare, yet recognizable syndrome Bằng Tuğba Daşar, Hasibe Nesligül Gönen, Kemal Kösemehmetoğlu, Özlem Tekşam, Koray Boduroğlu, Gülen Eda Utine, Pelin Özlem Şimşek Kiper
Được phát hành 2024-05-01
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The frequency of serious bacterial infection in febrile infants less than 90 days infected with SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viral pathogens Bằng Hande Yigit, Emel Ulusoy, Songul Tomar Guneysu, Ozlem Colak, Ayse Gultekingil, Oksan Derinoz Guleryuz, Durgul Yilmaz, Murat Duman, Ozlem Teksam
Được phát hành 2024-12-01
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