Showing 1 - 2 results of 2 for search 'Parkin, W.', सवाल का समय: 0.02सेकंड
परिणाम को परिष्कृत करें
Papers presented at the IEEE 14th Symposium on Fusion Engineering by the Alcator C-MOD engineering staff, Oct. 1991 द्वारा Fairfax, S., Beck, W., Becker, H., Titus, P., Bosco, J., Burke, W.M., Daigle, J., Sueker, K., Fuller, T.P., Fiore, C.L., Bombard, B., Lipschultz, B., Kochan, S., Paranay, J.S., Parkin, W., Takase, Y., Golovato, S., Porkolab, M.
प्रकाशित 2015
Boundary Layer Heat Transport Experiments in Alcator C-Mod in Support of the FY2010 US DoE Joint Research Target द्वारा Bombard, B., Terry, J.L., Hughes, J.W., Brunner, D., Payne, J., Reinke, M.L., Cziegler, I., Zweben, S., Granetz, R., Greenwald, M., Hutchinson, I.H., Irby, J., Lin, Y., Lipschultz, B., Ma, Y., Marmar, E.S., Mucic, N., Parkin, W., Pierson, S., Rosati, R., Rowan, R., Savelli, H., Stillerman, J., Tsujii, N., Vieira, R., Wallace, G., Whyte, D.G., Wolfe, S., Wukitch, S., Wurden, G., Zaks, J.
प्रकाशित 2015