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Global variations in water vapor and saturation state throughout the Mars year 34 Dusty season Tekijä Holmes, JA, Lewis, SR, Patel, MR, Alday, J, Aoki, S, Liuzzi, G, Villanueva, GL, Crismani, MMJ, Fedorova, AA, Olsen, KS, Kass, DM, Vandaele, AC, Korablev, O
Julkaistu 2022Journal article -
Constraining the global composition of D/H and 18O/16O in Martian water using SOFIA/EXES Tekijä Alday, J, Aoki, S, DeWitt, C, Montmessin, F, Holmes, JA, Patel, MR, Mason, JP, Encrenaz, T, Richter, MJ, Daerden, F, Terada, N, Irwin, PGJ, Nakagawa, H
Julkaistu 2024Journal article -
Upper limits of HO2 in the atmosphere of Mars from the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter Tekijä Alday, J, Trokhimovskiy, A, Belyaev, DA, Fedorova, AA, Holmes, JA, Patel, MR, Mason, JP, Lefèvre, F, Olsen, KS, Montmessin, F, Korablev, O, Baggio, L, Patrakeev, A
Julkaistu 2024Journal article -
Upper limits for phosphine (PH3) in the atmosphere of Mars Tekijä Olsen, KS, Trokhimovskiy, A, Braude, AS, Korablev, O, Fedorova, A, Wilson, C, Patel, MR, Irwin, P, Montmessin, F, Lefevre, F, Alday, J, Belyaev, DA, Patrakeev, A, Shakun, A
Julkaistu 2021Journal article -
The Beagle 2 environmental sensors: science goals and instrument description Tekijä Towner, M, Patel, MR, Ringrose, T, Zarnecki, J, Pullan, D, Sims, MR, Haapanala, S, Harri, A, Polkko, J, Wilson, C, Zent, A, Quinn, R, Grunthaner, F, Hecht, M, Garry, J
Julkaistu 2004Journal article -
Photochemical depletion of heavy CO isotopes in the Martian atmosphere Tekijä Alday, J, Trokhimovskiy, A, Patel, MR, Fedorova, AA, Lefevre, F, Montmessin, F, Holmes, JA, Rajendran, K, Mason, JP, Olsen, KS, Belyaev, DA, Korablev, O, Baggio, L, Patrakeev, A, Shakun, A
Julkaistu 2023Journal article -
Climatology and diurnal variation of ozone column abundances for 2.5 Mars years as measured by the NOMAD‐UVIS spectrometer Tekijä Mason, JP, Patel, MR, Holmes, JA, Wolff, MJ, Alday, J, Streeter, P, Olsen, KS, Brown, MAJ, Sellers, G, Marriner, C, Willame, Y, Thomas, I, Ristic, B, Daerden, F, Vandaele, AC, Lopez‐Moreno, J, Bellucci, G
Julkaistu 2024Journal article -
Framework of the strengths and challenges of clinically integrated trials: an expert panel report Tekijä Peters, AE, Jones, WS, Anderson, B, Bramante, CT, Broedl, U, Hornik, CP, Kehoe, L, Knowlton, KU, Krofah, E, Landray, M, Locke, T, Patel, MR, Psotka, M, Rockhold, FW, Roessig, L, Rothman, RL, Schofield, L, Stockbridge, N, Trontell, A, Curtis, LH, Tenaerts, P, Hernandez, AF
Julkaistu 2024Journal article -
Ultraviolet and visible reflectance spectra of Phobos and Deimos as measured by the ExoMars-TGO/Nomad-UVIS spectrometer Tekijä Mason, JP, Patel, MR, Pajola, M, Cloutis, ED, Alday, J, Olsen, KS, Marriner, C, Holmes, JA, Sellers, G, Thomas, N, Almeida, M, Read, M, Nakagawa, H, Thomas, IR, Ristic, B, Willame, Y, Depiesse, C, Daerden, F, Vandaele, AC, Lopez-Moreno, JJ, Bellucci, G
Julkaistu 2023Journal article -
Molecular remission and response patterns in patients with mutant-IDH2 acute myeloid leukemia treated with enasidenib Tekijä Stein, EM, Dinardo, CD, Fathi, AT, Pollyea, DA, Stone, RM, Altman, JK, Roboz, GJ, Patel, MR, Collins, R, Flinn, IW, Sekeres, MA, Stein, AS, Kantarjian, HM, Levine, RL, Vyas, P, Macbeth, KJ, Tosolini, A, Vanoostendorp, J, Xu, Q, Gupta, I, Lila, T, Risueno, A, Yen, KE, Wu, B, Attar, EC, Tallman, MS, De Botton, S
Julkaistu 2018Journal article -
Annual appearance of hydrogen chloride on Mars and a striking similarity with the water vapor vertical distribution observed by TGO/NOMAD Tekijä Aoki, S, Daerden, F, Viscardy, S, Thomas, IR, Erwin, JT, Robert, S, Trompet, L, Neary, L, Villanueva, GL, Liuzzi, G, Crismani, MMJ, Clancy, RT, Whiteway, J, Schmidt, F, Lopez-Valverde, MA, Ristic, B, Patel, MR, Bellucci, G, Lopez-Moreno, JJ, Olsen, KS, Lefevre, F, Montmessin, F, Trokhimovskiy, A, Fedorova, AA, Korablev, O, Vandaele, AC
Julkaistu 2021Journal article -
Enasidenib in mutant IDH2 relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia Tekijä Stein, EM, DiNardo, CD, Pollyea, DA, Fathi, AT, Roboz, GJ, Altman, JK, Stone, RM, DeAngelo, DJ, Levine, RL, Flinn, IW, Kantarjian, HM, Collins, R, Patel, MR, Frankel, AE, Stein, A, Sekeres, MA, Swords, RT, Medeiros, BC, Willekens, C, Vyas, P, Tosolini, A, Xu, Q, Knight, RD, Yen, KE, Agresta, S, De Botton, S, Tallman, MS
Julkaistu 2017Journal article -
Investigations of the Mars upper atmosphere with ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter Tekijä López-Valverde, MA, Gerard, JC, González-Galindo, F, Vandaele, AC, Thomas, I, Korablev, O, Ignatiev, N, Fedorova, A, Montmessin, F, Määttänen, A, Guilbon, S, Lefevre, F, Patel, MR, Jiménez-Monferrer, S, García-Comas, M, Cardesin, A, Wilson, CF, Clancy, RT, Kleinböhl, A, McCleese, DJ, Kass, DM, Schneider, NM, Chaffin, MS, López-Moreno, JJ, Rodríguez, J
Julkaistu 2018Journal article -
Seismic constraints from a Mars impact experiment using InSight and Perseverance Tekijä Fernando, B, Wojcicka, N, Maguire, R, Staehler, SC, Stott, AE, Ceylan, S, Charalambous, C, Clinton, J, Collins, GS, Dahmen, N, Froment, M, Golombek, M, Horleston, A, Karatekin, O, Kawamura, T, Larmat, C, Nissen-Meyer, T, Patel, MR, Plasman, M, Posiolova, L, Rolland, L, Spiga, A, Teanby, NA, Zenhaeusern, G, Giardini, D, Lognonne, P, Banerdt, B, Daubar, IJ
Julkaistu 2021Journal article -
No detection of methane on Mars from early ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter observations Tekijä Korablev, O, Vandaele, AC, Montmessin, F, Fedorova, AA, Trokhimovskiy, A, Forget, F, Lefèvre, F, Daerden, F, Thomas, IR, Trompet, L, Erwin, JT, Aoki, S, Robert, S, Neary, L, Viscardy, S, Grigoriev, AV, Ignatiev, NI, Shakun, A, Patrakeev, A, Belyaev, DA, Bertaux, J-L, Olsen, KS, Baggio, L, Alday, J, Ivanov, YS, Ristic, B, Mason, J, Willame, Y, Depiesse, C, Hetey, L, Berkenbosch, S, Clairquin, R, Queirolo, C, Beeckman, B, Neefs, E, Patel, MR, Bellucci, G, López-Moreno, J-J, Wilson, CF, Etiope, G, Zelenyi, L, Svedhem, H, Vago, JL
Julkaistu 2019Journal article -
CASTAway: An asteroid main belt tour and survey. Tekijä Bowles, NE, Snodgrass, C, Gibbings, A, Sanchez, JP, Arnold, JA, Eccleston, P, Andert, T, Probst, A, Naletto, G, Vandaele, AC, de Leon, J, Nathues, A, Thomas, IR, Thomas, N, Jorda, L, da Deppo, V, Haack, H, Green, SF, Carry, B, Hanna, KL, Jorgensen, J, Kereszturi, A, DeMeo, FE, Patel, MR, Davies, JK, Clarke, F, Kinch, K, Guilbert-Lepoutre, A, Agarwal, J, Rivkin, AS, Pravec, P, Fornasier, S, Gravnik, M, Jones, RH, Murdoch, N, Joy, KH, Tecza, M, Barnes, JM, Licandro, J, Greenhagen, BT, Calcutt, SB, Marriner, CM, Warren, TJ, Tosh, I
Julkaistu 2017Journal article -
Martian dust storm impact on atmospheric H2O and D/H observed by ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter Tekijä Vandaele, AC, Korablev, O, Daerden, F, Aoki, S, Thomas, IR, Altieri, F, López-Valverde, M, Villanueva, G, Liuzzi, G, Smith, MD, Erwin, JT, Trompet, L, Fedorova, AA, Montmessin, F, Trokhimovskiy, A, Belyaev, DA, Ignatiev, NI, Luginin, M, Olsen, KS, Baggio, L, Alday, J, Bertaux, J-L, Betsis, D, Bolsée, D, Clancy, RT, Cloutis, E, Depiesse, C, Funke, B, Garcia-Comas, M, Gérard, J-C, Giuranna, M, Gonzalez-Galindo, F, Grigoriev, AV, Ivanov, YS, Kaminski, J, Karatekin, O, Lefèvre, F, Lewis, S, López-Puertas, M, Mahieux, A, Maslov, I, Mason, J, Mumma, MJ, Neary, L, Neefs, E, Patrakeev, A, Patsaev, D, Ristic, B, Robert, S, Schmidt, F, Shakun, A, Teanby, NA, Viscardy, S, Willame, Y, Whiteway, J, Wilquet, V, Wolff, MJ, Bellucci, G, Patel, MR, López-Moreno, J-J, Forget, F, Wilson, CF, Svedhem, H, Vago, JL, Rodionov, D
Julkaistu 2019Journal article -
The DREAMS experiment onboard the Schiaparelli module of the ExoMars 2016 mission: Design, performances and expected results Tekijä Esposito, F, Debei, S, Bettanini, C, Molfese, C, Rodriguez, I, Colombatti, G, Harri, A-M, Montmessin, F, Wilson, C, Aboudan, A, Schipani, P, Marty, L, Alvarez, FJ, Apestigue, V, Bellucci, G, Berthelier, J-J, Brucato, JR, Calcutt, SB, Chiodini, S, Cortecchia, F, Cozzolino, F, Cucciarre, F, Deniskina, N, Deprez, G, Di Achille, G, Ferri, F, Forget, F, Franzese, G, Friso, E, Genzer, M, Hassen-Kodja, R, Haukka, H, Hieta, M, Jimenez, JJ, Josset, J-L, Kahanpaa, H, Karatekin, O, Landis, G, Lapauw, L, Lorenz, R, Martinez-Oter, J, Mennella, V, Moehlmann, D, Moirin, D, Molinaro, R, Nikkanen, T, Palomba, E, Patel, MR, Pommereau, J-P, Popa, CI, Rafkin, S, Rannou, P, Renno, NO, Rivas, J, Schmidt, W, Segato, E, Silvestro, S, Spiga, A, Toledo, D, Trautner, R, Valero, F, Vazquez, L, Vivat, F, Witasse, O, Yela, M, Mugnuolo, R, Marchetti, E, Pirrotta, S
Julkaistu 2018Journal article -
The Atmospheric Chemistry Suite (ACS) of three spectrometers for the ExoMars 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter Tekijä Korablev, O, Montmessin, F, Trokhimovskiy, A, Fedorova, AA, Shakun, AV, Grigoriev, AV, Moshkin, BE, Ignatiev, NI, Forget, F, Lefèvre, F, Anufreychik, K, Dzuban, I, Ivanov, YS, Kalinnikov, YK, Kozlova, TO, Kungurov, A, Makarov, V, Martynovich, F, Maslov, I, Merzlyakov, D, Moiseev, PP, Nikolskiy, Y, Patrakeev, A, Patsaev, D, Santos-Skripko, A, Sazonov, O, Semena, N, Semenov, A, Shashkin, V, Sidorov, A, Stepanov, AV, Stupin, I, Timonin, D, Titov, AY, Viktorov, A, Zharkov, A, Altieri, F, Arnold, G, Belyaev, DA, Bertaux, JL, Betsis, DS, Duxbury, N, Encrenaz, T, Fouchet, T, Gérard, JC, Grassi, D, Guerlet, S, Hartogh, P, Kasaba, Y, Khatuntsev, I, Krasnopolsky, VA, Kuzmin, RO, Lellouch, E, Lopez-Valverde, MA, Luginin, M, Määttänen, A, Marcq, E, Torres, J, Medvedev, AS, Millour, E, Olsen, KS, Patel, MR, Quantin-Nataf, C, Rodin, AV, Shematovich, VI, Thomas, I, Thomas, N, Vazquez, L, Vincendon, M, Wilquet, V, Wilson, CF, Zasova, LV, Zelenyi, LM, Zorzano, MP
Julkaistu 2017Journal article