Pierre Dubreuil
Pierre Dubreuil (March 5, 1872 – January 9, 1944) was a French photographer, born in
Lille, who spent his career in France and Belgium. As a pioneer of modernist photography, Dubreuil embraced innovative techniques and ideas that were celebrated, criticized, and at times, overlooked. Over the course of his career, which was interrupted by both World Wars, Dubreuil's work was shown at the
Photo-club de Paris, the Albright Gallery exhibition in Buffalo, New York, the Little Gallery of the ''Amateur Photography Magazine'' in London, and the
Royal Photographic Society. In 1988, more than forty years after Dubreuil's death, photographer and collector Tom Jacobson revived interest in his work, seeking out long-forgotten and displaced works that culminated in an exhibition at the Musée d'Art Moderne,
Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris (October 28, 1987 – January 5, 1988).
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