Erakusten 1 - 2 emaitzak -- 2 bilaketa honetara 'Pontin, D', Bilaketaren denbora: 0,02s
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"Giving us hope": Parent and neonatal staff views and expectations of a planned family-centred discharge process (Train-to-Home). nork Ingram, J, Redshaw, M, Manns, S, Beasant, L, Johnson, D, Fleming, P, Pontin, D
Argitaratua 2016Journal article -
Preparing for Home: a before-and-after study to investigate the effects of a neonatal discharge package aimed at increasing parental knowledge, understanding and confidence in cari... nork Ingram, J, Blair, P, Powell, J, Manns, S, Burden, H, Pontin, D, Redshaw, M, Beasant, L, Rose, C, Johnson, D, Gaunt, D, Fleming, P
Argitaratua 2016Journal article