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Bjorn Poonen
| birth_place = Boston, Massachusetts | death_date = | death_place = | nationality = | fields = Mathematics | workplaces = MIT | alma_mater = University of California, BerkeleyHarvard University | thesis_title = The Mordell-Weil theorem, rigidity, and pairings for Drinfeld modules | thesis_year = 1994 | doctoral_advisor = Kenneth Alan Ribet | doctoral_students = | known_for = | awards = | website = }} Bjorn Mikhail Poonen (born July 27, 1968, in Boston, Massachusetts) is a mathematician, four-time Putnam Competition winner, and a Distinguished Professor in Science in the Department of Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research is primarily in arithmetic geometry, but he has occasionally published in other subjects such as probability and computer science. He has edited two books. He is the founding managing editor of the journal ''Algebra & Number Theory'', and serves also on the editorial boards of ''Involve: A Journal of Mathematics'' and the ''A K Peters Research Notes in Mathematics'' book series. Provided by Wikipedia