Zobrazuji výsledky 1 - 20 z 31 pro vyhledávání 'Putri R.F.', doba hledání: 0,03 s.
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Settlement mapping analysis as land use change monitoring in Bogor Regency sub urban area Autor Merlina, Merlina, Dewantara, E.J., Putri, R.F.
Vydáno 2023
Conference or Workshop Item -
Agriculture land management in Gorontalo Province Autor Putri, R.F., Dewi, R.P., Sulistya, A.R.
Vydáno 2021Conference or Workshop Item -
The Poverty Index Mapping in the Barlingmascakeb Area in 2019 Autor Amaniah, F., Setiati, F., Rostika, M.D., Putri, R.F.
Vydáno 2021Conference or Workshop Item -
Settlement Quality Mapping Analysis Using Google Earth Imagery and GIS in Sorosutan Subdistrict, Yogyakarta City Autor Rakhmatika, M., Larasati, C., Tristan, A.C., Putri, R.F.
Vydáno 2021Conference or Workshop Item -
A Review Disaster Mitigation of Jakarta Land Subsidence Areas Autor Putri, R.F., Rostika, M.D., Abadi, A.W., Rakhmatika, M.
Vydáno 2021Conference or Workshop Item -
Determinants of low birth weight and its relationship with stunted toddler status in Magelang Regency, Indonesia Autor Giyarsih, S.R., Putri, R.F., Saputri, A., Nugraheni, E., Setiyawati, N.
Vydáno 2021Conference or Workshop Item -
The energy charts for occupants' behavioural improvement through BIM Autor Roslan, R., Omar, R.C., Taha, H., Baharuddin, I.N.Z., Putri, R.F.
Vydáno 2021Conference or Workshop Item -
Relationship of the Significance of Freshwater Use to Health Protocols During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Bantul Village, Yogyakarta Autor Ulumia, F., Fahmi, M.S.I., Astabella, R.D., Adji, T.N., Putri, R.F., Yang, H.
Vydáno 2021Conference or Workshop Item -
Study of agricultural economic potential in West Kalimantan using Regional Analysis Techniques Autor Nurulhuda, S., Askarina, M., Romadhoniastri, S., Azahra, A.F., Karim, D.K., Isnain, M.N., Putri, R.F.
Vydáno 2021Conference or Workshop Item -
Factors Affecting Stunting among Toddlers: A Case Study in West Nusa Tenggara Province Autor Fauziah, L.M., Ihsan, F.N., Sisthannisa, R., Pangesti, L.V., Nugroho, T.S., Putri, R.F.
Vydáno 2023
Conference or Workshop Item -
Aesthetic and cultural value of Nglanggeran ancient volcano geoheritage: A cultural geomorphology perspective Autor Insani, A.A., Ningsih, R.L., Murtidewi, A.C., Silvyana, R., Pasaribu, D., Putri, R.F.
Vydáno 2023
Conference or Workshop Item -
Characterization of carbonate rocks using seismic wave for tunnel design stability Autor Taha, H., Dzulkifli, N.A., Omar, R.C., Putri, R.F., Roslan, R., Baharuddin, I.N.Z.
Vydáno 2021Conference or Workshop Item -
Analysing the land use/land cover influence on land surface temperature in San Luis Potosà Basin, México using remote sensing techniques Autor Ovalle, A.G.C., Tristan, A.C., Amador-Nieto, J.A., Putri, R.F., Zahra, R.A.
Vydáno 2021Conference or Workshop Item -
Catalogue of representative scales to visualize different coverages in Google Earth Autor Tristan, A.C., Cardenas, O.R., Garza, E.J.T., Alvarado, A.G.R., Putri, R.F., Thio, J.
Vydáno 2021Conference or Workshop Item -
The Dynamic of Labors Absorption During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Bangka Belitung Islands Autor Ginting, B.V., Giri, C.E.A.G., Khansabyla, F., Azzahra, I., Asrofi, M.Z., Putri, R.F.
Vydáno 2023
Conference or Workshop Item -
The dynamic and spatial distribution analysis of labour condition in Lampung Province before and during the COVID-19 Autor Alfi, F., Husna, A., Satrio, F.A., Fauziah, F., Isnaini, F.N., Lestari, N.D., Putri, R.F.
Vydáno 2023
Conference or Workshop Item -
A proposal for the determination of a Protected Natural Area (PNA) of the Wirikuta zone in the state of San Luis Potosi, México Autor Tristan, A.C., Saldaa, M.R., Ovalle, A.G.C., Cardenas, O.R., Waskita, T.B., Putri, R.F.
Vydáno 2021Conference or Workshop Item -
The Analysis of Manufacturing Industry Sector in Maluku Province Autor Athaya, M.F., Yushafirra, M., Rahman, R.A., Ardhillah, F., Savitri, H.D., Maharani, T.F., Putri, R.F.
Vydáno 2023
Conference or Workshop Item -
The Changes of Employment and Labor Productivity in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia During The Covid-19 Pandemic Autor Widhatama, A.F., Sabrina, G.F.A., Wulandari, H.A., Setyastuti, I.A., Putra, J.H., Putri, R.F.
Vydáno 2023
Conference or Workshop Item -
Gender empowerment approaches: interventions through Qanun number 6 of 2009 in Aceh, Indonesia Autor Al Aro, A.S., Saniyah, A., Ulumia, F., Zahro, N.A., Ayumi, N., Charennina, M., Fahmi, W.A., Putri, R.F.
Vydáno 2021Conference or Workshop Item