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Qian Chu

|s=|p=Qián Chù|w=Ch'ien2 Ch'u4|altname=Qian Hongchu|t2=|s2=|p2=Qián Hóngchù|altname3=Qian Wende|t3=|s3=|p3=Qián Wéndé}}

Qian Chu (29 September 929 – 7 October 988), courtesy name Wende, known as Qian Hongchu before 960, also known by his posthumous name as the King Zhongyi of Wuyue, was the last king of Wuyue during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period of China. He reigned from 947 until 978, when he surrendered his kingdom to the Northern Song dynasty. Provided by Wikipedia