Показ 1 - 6 результатів із 6 для пошуку 'Qingdong Zeng', час виконання запиту: 0.02сек.
Уточнити результати
Comprehensive Investigation of Factors Affecting Acid Fracture Propagation with Natural Fracture за авторством Qingdong Zeng, Taixu Li, Long Bo, Xuelong Li, Jun Yao
Опубліковано 2024-10-01
Стаття -
Anti-breast cancer effects of dairy protein active peptides, dairy products, and dairy protein-based nanoparticles за авторством Deju Zhang, Deju Zhang, Deju Zhang, Ying Yuan, Ying Yuan, Juan Xiong, Juan Xiong, Qingdong Zeng, Qingdong Zeng, Yiming Gan, Kai Jiang, Ni Xie
Опубліковано 2024-11-01
Стаття -
Plant protein-derived anti-breast cancer peptides: sources, therapeutic approaches, mechanisms, and nanoparticle design за авторством Deju Zhang, Deju Zhang, Deju Zhang, Ying Yuan, Ying Yuan, Qingdong Zeng, Qingdong Zeng, Juan Xiong, Juan Xiong, Yiming Gan, Kai Jiang, Kai Jiang, Ni Xie
Опубліковано 2025-01-01
Стаття -
A Polarization-Insensitive and Highly Sensitive THz Metamaterial Multi-Band Perfect Absorber за авторством Gang Tao, Qian Zhao, Qianju Song, Zao Yi, Yougen Yi, Qingdong Zeng
Опубліковано 2024-11-01
Стаття -
The Numerical Simulation of the Transient Plane Heat Source Method to Measure the Thermophysical Properties of Materials за авторством Jianyuan Sun, Siwen Zhang, Pengcheng Shi, Zao Yi, Yougen Yi, Qingdong Zeng
Опубліковано 2025-01-01
Стаття -
Corrigendum: Saturation mapping of a major effect QTL for stripe rust resistance on wheat chromosome 2B in cultivar Napo 63 using SNP genotyping arrays за авторством Jianhui Wu, Qilin Wang, Shengjie Liu, Shuo Huang, Jingmei Mu, Qingdong Zeng, Lili Huang, Dejun Han, Zhensheng Kang
Опубліковано 2025-02-01