Rachel Navarro
Rachel L. Navarro is a licensed counseling psychologist known for her work in the field of multicultural vocational psychology, focusing on the experience and career goals of Latinas in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). She is Professor of Counseling Psychology, Education, and Health and Behavior and Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development at the University of North Dakota.Navarro received the American Psychological Association (APA) Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs Henry Tomes Award for Significant Contributions to the Advancement of Ethnic Minority Psychology in 2013. She also received the Distinguished Professional Early Career Award from the National Latinx Psychological Association in 2012. Other awards include the Kenneth and Mamie Clark Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Professional Development of Ethnic Minority Graduate Students, given by the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students in 2010.
Navarro is a Fellow of the Society of Counseling Psychology (APA, Division 17). Provided by Wikipedia