List of Yu-Gi-Oh! characters
The ''Yu-Gi-Oh!'' series, created by Kazuki Takahashi, features an extensive cast of characters, many of whom are from Domino City, a fictional city in Japan where the series takes place. As many plot elements are influenced by Egypt and its mythology, Egyptian characters appear in the story.Yu-Gi-Oh! stars Yugi Mutou, a shy boy who loves games and is often bullied. After solving an ancient artifact known as the Millennium Puzzle, his body becomes the host of a mysterious spirit known as Dark Yugi, who has the personality of a gambler. When Yugi or his friends are threatened by those with darkness in their hearts, Dark Yugi reveals himself and challenges them to a that reveals the true nature of someone's heart, with their losers being subjected to a dark punishment called a "Penalty Game". Throughout the series, Yugi and his friends Katsuya Jonouchi (Joey Wheeler), Anzu Mazaki (Téa Gardner), Hiroto Honda (Tristan Taylor), and later Ryo Bakura learn that this other Yugi is the spirit of a nameless pharaoh from Ancient Egypt times who has lost his memories. As they attempt to help the Pharaoh regain his memories, they are put to the test, wagering their lives facing off against others who wield the mysterious Millennium Items and the dark power of the Shadow Games.
Most human characters in the English version of the original manga, published by VIZ Media, use their original Japanese names, while in other English ''Yu-Gi-Oh!'' media their names are changed. The Japanese names in Western order (given name before family name) and English manga names are listed first and the English anime names are listed second, when applicable. As well, the 4Kids English dub censors or edits instances of violence and sexual content, with characters being sent to the Shadow Realm rather than dying and some designs being changed. Provided by Wikipedia